Confidence building in the nervous dog From this To this
Aims and Objectives Through our understanding of body language and introduction to training and behaviour, look at practical ways to build confidence in a dog Assessing the types of exercises that work for that individual Understanding that dogs have emotions, and how these emotions can impact them while they are in our care and if they are adopted Practical session on building confidence
Go at the dog’s pace Just like people, dogs recover from bad experiences at different rates. Use your knowledge of body language to identify when its getting too much. Always try to set up for success
Some dogs may benefit from another dog To gain confidence To learn from Meeting social needs in other ways
Get a friend to lend a paw
Then they can help another dog!
For those that struggle with other dogs
A safe space
A safe space
Target training
Before the target!
Did the target help?
Set the scene for success
Training for handling Practical to follow
Looking to handler
Clicker train for fun and for a purpose
Follow the 7 steps to success Health Safety Maintenance behaviours Friend Play People New outlook
When you get it right