LF Deep Learning Foundation Technical Advisory Council Meeting January 17, 2019
Recording of Calls This is a reminder that we have decided to record TAC meetings and store them on the TAC Wiki.
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Agenda Roll Call Project Contribution Proposal Review & Discussion: Pyro Next Meeting Information Discussion / Q&A 11/16/18
TAC Member Directory Member TAC Contact TAC Email Amdocs Ofer Hermoni* ofer.hermoni@amdocs.com AT&T Jack Murray jfm@research.att.com Baidu Xin Pan panxin01@baidu.com Ericsson Nimisha Radia nimish.radia@ericsson.com Huawei Yinglong Xia yinglong.xia@huawei.com Nokia Pantelis Monogioudis pantelis.monogioudis@nokia.com Tech Mahindra Manish Kampani manish.kampani@techmahindra.com Tencent XiaoLong Zhu xiaolongzhu@tencent.com ZTE Wei Meng meng.wei2@zte.com.cn Acumos AI Project *TAC Chairperson
TAC Overview LF Deep Learning Foundation is an umbrella project of The Linux Foundation with the mission of supporting AI, ML and DL open source projects. LF DL currently has three projects and we are accepting contributions of additional projects. The TAC is a committee within LF DL that is responsible for assisting in the coordination and communication of projects within LF DL. It is not a technical oversight body, all technical oversight is handled by the individual projects themselves according to their own governance. Since the March 2018 launch of LF DL, activity of the TAC has included: approving a project lifecycle for projects of LF DL (incubation, graduation, archive stages); reviewing and then approving contribution proposals for the Angel and EDL projects; starting work on a landscape analysis diagram for open source AI projects overall; and identifying the area of model interchange formats for exploration by the TAC.
TAC Wiki We have established a Wiki for the TAC which can be found here (login to lists.deeplearning.org required): https://lists.deeplearningfoundation.org/g/tac-general/wiki/home
Project Contribution Proposal Review & Discussion: Pyro Project Pyro Deep universal probabilistic programming with Python and PyTorch http://pyro.ai/ https://github.com/uber/pyro (As of Jan 14th: 50 contributors, 4870 stars) Presenter: Fritz Obermeyer, Pyro Engineering Lead, Uber AI Labs
Pyro: Deep Universal Probabilistic Programming Fritz Obermeyer, Pyro engineering lead, Uber AI Labs
ML Problems at Uber Uber does not have one machine learning problem, it has thousands.
ML Solutions in Practice
ML Solutions in Practice
Probabilistic programming Build custom solutions that combine the best of all worlds: - probabilistic models (handling uncertainty) - high-level programming languages (means of abstraction) - scalable deep learning (learning from large data)
Example application: semi-supervised learning Suppose we want to classify handwritten digits... but we only have a few labeled examples
Pyro: Python with two extra primitives x = pyro.sample(“x”, Bernoulli(0.5)) assert isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) pyro.sample(“data”, Normal(0., 1.), obs=data) theta = pyro.param(“theta”, torch.ones(100), constraint=positive) return value of pyro.sample(...) is a torch.Tensor (not an RV object). pyro.sample(..., obs=...) acts as a loss term. pyro.param(...) persists across function calls.
Pyro models generate data style digit digit decoder = ... # nn def model(image=None): pyro.module("decoder", decoder) style = pyro.sample("style", Normal(zeros(20), ones(20))) digit = pyro.sample("digit", Categorical(ones(10) * 0.1)) image = pyro.sample("image", Bernoulli(decoder(style, digit)), obs=image) return image image Semi-supervised Learning with Deep Generative Models, Diederik P Kingma, Danilo Jimenez Rezende, Shakir Mohamed, Max Welling
Approximate inference as optimization We can do inference by learning a model of the posterior, called a guide: Variational Bayes and Beyond: Bayesian Inference for Big Data, Broderick, T.
Pyro guides infer latent variables style digit digit def model(image=None): ... def guide(image): pyro.module("encoder_digit", encoder_digit) pyro.module("encoder_style", encoder_style) digit = pyro.sample("digit", Categorical(encoder_digit(image))) loc, scale = encoder_style(image, digit) style = pyro.sample("style", Normal(loc, scale)) return digit, style image go into detail
Pyro SVI trains the guide style digit digit def model(image): ... def guide(image): ... svi = SVI(model, guide, optim.Adam(), TraceEnum_ELBO()) for epoch in range(10): for batch in partition(data): svi.step(batch) image infer.step() updates parameters registered with pyro.param() statement. T=this uses monte carlo estimate of a loss function (elbo).
The guide now serves as a classifier style digit digit def model(image): ... def guide(image): ... # ...train... digit, style = guide(image) image
Results style digit digit image
Pyro Pyro stack Generative models Custom inference components Inference building blocks (e.g. loss functions, MCMC kernels) Pyro Runtime Ops, distributions Effect handlers Candidate #1 PyTorch 1.0: JIT, autograd, distributions, tensor math Python C++ CUDA
Research advances must interact correctly Subsampling Reparameterization Sticking the Landing SVI Neural Baselines RSVI ADVI Discrete Enumeration Each of these are papers and months to years of work. They all have to interact with each other Message Passing Rao- Blackwellization DiCE
Documentation catalyzes community growth Design interfaces to be easy to document Document internals, e.g. minipyro.py Follow Python & PyTorch idioms Tutorials, examples, reference, forum, tech reports http://pyro.ai/examples http://docs.pyro.ai Doctests and usage examples Allow researchers to hack Pyro
Community goals: automated inference
Community We collaborate on PyTorch Distributions Open Design Process - university collaborators around the world - contribute code to other OSS
Community pyro.contrib.oed pyro.contrib.tracking goals: automated inference
Community goals: automated inference
Results at Uber and beyond Pyro is used by large companies like Siemens, IBM, and Uber, and startups like Noodle.AI Pyro is widely used in research institutions including Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge, and The Broad Institute Pyro solves a range of Uber problems, spanning: sensor fusion, time series forecasting, ads campaign optimization, and data augmentation for deep image understanding Joint Mapping and Calibration via Differentiable Sensor Fusion, Chen et al. (2018)
2019H1 Roadmap Engineering foundations: - Improve support for deployment/serving with PyTorch 1.0 - Pay down tech debt and simplify user interfaces - OSS citizenship: push code upstream to PyTorch and GPyTorch Supporting applications, at Uber and beyond: - Optimal experimental design - Sensor fusion & perception - Time series segmentation Core PPL research: - Automating inference patterns - Improving inference algorithm scalability and performance
For documentation, examples, and more: https://pyro.ai Thank you! For documentation, examples, and more: https://pyro.ai Alternate end slide design
TAC Vote on Project Proposal ›Proposed Resolution: The TAC approves the Pyro Project as an incubation project of the LF Deep Learning Foundation.
TAC Vote on Project Proposal RESOLVED: The TAC approves the Pyro Project as an incubation project of the LF Deep Learning Foundation.
Next Meeting Information Upcoming Meetings January 31, 2019: Invited Presentation: Pachyderm February 14, 2019: Regular TAC Call (No invited speaker)
Questions / Discussion
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