2. The Article 5 provisional report 1st meeting of EU Strategic Steering Group WFD/Agriculture 25 April 2005, Brussels Odense Pilot River Basin Links between WFD and Agriculture Harley Bundgaard Madsen Head of Marine- and Hydrology Department, Fyn County, DK 1. Introduction 2. The Article 5 provisional report 3. Agricultural pressure and impact on Odense Fjord 4. Programme of measures 5. Agri Environmental Schemes 6. Conclusions
Odense Pilot River Basin Denmark, Europe Odense Fjord Natura 2000 areas Odense City Odense River Power plant
Odense River Basin Land use: Agriculture: Urban areas: 16% The basin: 250.000 inhabitants Area: 1050 km2 Land use: Urban areas: 16% Agriculture: 68% Woodland: 10% Nature (meadows, mires, dry grasslands, wetlands): 6% Agriculture: 1870 farms (50% livestock farms) Livestock production: 60.000 LU (59% pigs, 37% cattle), 1 mill. pigs/year Livestock density: 0,9 LU/ha Odense Fjord Natura 2000 areas Odense City (180.000 inhab.) Odense River
Odense Pilot River Basin The overall aims Phase 1, 2003-2004: An Article 5 provisional report and reporting on testing the EU Guidance Documents Phase 2, 2005-2006: A Pilot River Basin Management Plan incl. Programme of Measures and a monitoring programme. Focus Area: WFD and Agriculture (LIFE Application: OdensePRB-AgriPoM)
WFD Article 5 Provisional Report Conclusions
Coastal waters Odense Fjord Area: 63 km2 Mean depth: 2,3 m Max. depth: 8 m Mean residence time of water from River Odense: Inner fjord: 9 d. All fjord: 17 d. Area load to the fjord (2001): - N: 32 gN/m2 P: 0,88 gP/m2 Gabet Hindsholm Odense Fjord Klintebjerg Værft Seden Strand Fynsværket Odense
Impact on Odense Fjord: Eutrophication Filamentous algae and eelgrass Ulva
Oxygen depletion August-September 2002 3.747 km2 : < 4 mg oxygen per liter 2.586 km2 : < 2 mg oxygen per liter L:\BVH\ilt2002\2002sep 2002udbred_26aug20sep.gif 14cm i bredde
Odense Fjord N and P load and concentration Nitrogen Phosphorus
Pressures on Odense Fjord: Power Plant, Shipyard, Landfill
Pressure on Odense Fjord: Wastewater Wastewater Treatment Plants in Odense River Basin: BOD-removal: 99% N-removal: 93% P-removal: 98%
Pressure Agriculture Production of livestock The catchment houses aprox. 60.000 livestock units (LU) which equals 0,9 LU/ha Number of livestock units per hectare cultivated area (LU/ha) 1,0 LU = 36 pigs produced per year (100 kg N in manure/year) Figur 1.3.1 (Ole Jørgensen må have en brugbar original, hvis denne ikke kan bruges…)
Pressure Agriculture Use of N in fertilisers on the fields
Pressure Agriculture N-balance Nitrogen Balance in Odense River Basin: Total N-input: 12,400 tonnes Utilised in products: 4,300 tonnes N-surplus lost to the environment: 8,100 tonnes 8,100 t N/year equals N in untreated wastewater from 1.8 mio. people!
Programme of Measures Conceptual Diagram Env. Objectives Env. Conditions Economy ok? - Cost effectiveness - Disproportional? Max. acceptable loading Households and Industri Agriculture Physical Conditions
Programme of Measures Ecological condition of Odense Fjord versus nitrogen loading from the catchment (Conceptual Diagram) Ecological qualiy elements Deptlimit Eel-grasses Concentration Nitrogen Macroalgae WFD- Classification Bad……….. Poor…..….. Moderate... Good……. High……….. Reference.. Loading Tons N/Year Max N-loadings ( Target load )
Reference Conditions Eelgrass depth limits ca. 1890 and today (1990ies) l:\bvh\hav\alegraes\alegraes_gr.png og alegraes_gr_sig.png
Programme of Measures Nitrogen Load (landbased) to Odense Fjord (Normalized to mean water discharge 1980-2002)
Programme of Measures Agriculture (Example: Odense Fjord, pollution from agriculture) Quantitative ecological quality criteria for Odense Fjord (objectives) Economy ok? - Cost effectiveness - Disproportional? Target for maximum loading (ton/yr); (ton/month) Target for maximum leachage (kg/ha) Target for land use Target for maximum fertilizing (kg/ha) Wetlands (ha) Catch-crops Extent of nature areas (ha) Manure (LU/ha); (kg/ha) Fertilizer (kg/ha)
“VFD-scenario” Scenario on agricultural measures in the catchment of Area ha (percent of agricultural area) Reduced Leaching Tonnes Nitrogen Reduced loading Odense Fjord Tonnes N Cost + Cost eff. 1000 Dkr DDK/kg N removed 20% reduction on national N-fertilizer quota 508 254 10.160 40 Wetlands in River-valleys 4000 (5,7%) 400 11.600 29 New forests on cultivated areas 5000 (7,1%) 214 112 14.000 125 Increased use of Catch-crops 185 93 1.302 14 10% higher utilisation of all manure 148 74 2.960 17% reduced livestock production (10000 LU pigs) 108 54 16.200 300 Reduction in cultivated area (urbanisation) 1470 (2%) 57 - Organic farming - increased area 2500 (3,6%) 50 25 7.175 287 Catch-crops: Optimised use of existing catch-crops 3200 (4,6%) 38 19 Total reduction and total costs Cost efficiency – average 1600 1060 63.000 59 Dkr/kgN Odense Fjord loading today (flow normalized): 2000 “VFD-scenario” Scenario on agricultural measures in the catchment of Odense Fjord to meet provisional WFD- objectives Source: Danish Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and Danish Forest and Nature Agency December 2003
WFD-scenario, Odense Fjord Scenario on agricultural measures in the catchment of Odense Fjord to meet environmental objectives Effect of agricultural programme of measures and costs Reduced loading to Odense Fjord Nitrogen Cost + Cost –effectiveness EURO Total 1060 tonnes/yr 4-8 million EURO/yr Cost effectiveness 4-8 EURO/kg N Current sewage treatment and maintenance of sewer systems 40 million EURO/yr Total loading to Odense Fjord 2000 tonnes/year Source: Danish Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and Danish Forest and Nature Agency December 2003
Heavily modified watercources Restoration, establisment of wetlands and bufferzones
Wetlands 1890-1992 Odense Pilot River Basin
Agri Environmental Schemes (Agreements on Environmental friendly farming) Fyn County: 48.000 ha identified as env. sensitive areas (21% of agricultural area) 1999: Agreements on 5.900 ha (2,6% of the agricultural area) 2004: Agreements on 7.050 ha (3,1% of the agricultural area) Voluntary and temporary agreements (5 and 20 years)
Conclusion 1 To achieve the WFD’s objective (good ecological status) in Odense Fjord it’s necessary to reduce the nitrogen loading by about 50% (1000 tons N/year or 9.5 kg N/ha) The expenses related to agriculture amounts 30-60 mill DKK (4-8 mill EURO) per year The most cost effective measures (14-40 DKK/kg N) are extended use of catch crops, establishment of wetlands, higher utilisation of N in manure and reduction of total nitrogen use Measures as wetlands, buffer zones along rivers and lakes and afforestation give added bonus in the form of more nature in the basin
Conclusion 2 Current Agri Environmental Schemes (agreements on environmental friendly farming) are not at all sufficient to cover the expenses The current Agri Environmental Schemes favour the Natura 2000 land areas at the expense of the national/regional nature areas There is a need for financial support in catchments to Natura 2000 marine areas and other sensitive marine areas Voluntary and temporary schemes will not ensure achievement of the WFD objectives in time An expected increase of the agriculture production in the basin will threaten the achievement of the WFD objectives
Odense Pilot River Basin Thank you for your attention…
Natura 2000 areas Natura 2000 area Catchment to Natura 2000 areas
Expected development in agricultural production (source: Danish Agriculture) Denmark Fyn County 2001 2015 Pig production (mio/yr) 21,8 26,0 (+ 19 %) 2,1 2,9 (+ 39 %) Live stock units (mio) 1 LSU = 100 kg N in manure from storage tanks 2,6 2,3 (- 12 %) 0,2 0,2 (0 %) Agricultural area (mio ha) 2,67 2,50 (- 6 %)
Restored wetlands in Denmark and Fyn County APAE II, Goal: 12.500 ha (3.600 tons N) APAE III, Goal: +4.000 ha (+ 1.050 tons) Restored wetlands by 2003: 1.870 ha. Fyn County: Restored wetlands by 2003: 486 ha (130 tons N)
Agri Environmental Schemes (Agreements on Environmental friendly farming) Applications for financial support 2004 (mill DKK) Available financial support (mill DKK) Denmark Fyn County (1/10 x DK) Natura 2000 Other areas 460 916 31 44 310 ~ 31 Natura 2000 areas: 2% of total area of Fyn County Nature areas: 6% of total area of Fyn County