Day 4
Bellringer Besides the vocabulary, what makes reading Romeo and Juliet difficult? Select two quotes and write a paragraph detailing your woes.
Let’s Look Again... Let’s read Act II together and see if we can’t discern the personalities and characteristics of both Romeo and Juliet.
Love and Identity... So, let’s answer a question: How does Romeo use love to morph Juliet’s identity? How does he accomplish this?
Quiz: For what do they use the small tarp?
The Road What do you notice about the sentence structure and grammar of McCarthy’s writing? Why does he make these decisions?
Pick One! - Become an expert by next week! Diana-Carleigh Tori Zeus-Henry mikalya Cupid-Brennan garrett Hercules - Madison Jeremy Hera-Bailee, Corey Aphrodite Darcie Emily Apollo-Hannah Kaleb Athena Tyler Cody Achilles - Sarah, Hayden Hades- Catherine Hannah Neptune- Will Shaina Perseus - Susan Daphne The Titans-Caitlin W. Dionysus Brayden Ethan Ares -Libby Tanya Hermes caitlyn Cassie
Homework for next time: Read to page 48 in The Road Quiz! Also, write two paragraphs detailing the major differences that you can see between the Man and the Boy. You may use any differences that you wish. Be prepared for a quiz on the “Lady with the Pet Dog”