Muscle strength testing For presentation
Muscle strength grading scale 5 full ROM against gravity and normal resistance 4 full ROM against gravity and some resistance 3 full ROM against gravity 2 full ROM with gravity removed 1 no motion, but slight contractility 0 no motion, no contractility
MUSCLE STRENGTH TESTING – UPPER EXTREMITY Deltoid: C5 / axillary nerve Elbow flexors (biceps): C6 / musculocutaneous nerve Elbow extensors (triceps): C7 / radial nerve Wrist extensors: C6 / radial nerve Wrist flexors: C7 / median & ulnar nerves Finger extensors: C7 / radial nerve Finger flexors: C8 / median & ulnar nerve Interossei: T1 / ulnar nerve
Deltoid (C5 / axillary nerve)
Elbow flexors - biceps (C6 / musculocutaneous nerve)
Elbow extensors - triceps (C7 / radial nerve)
Wrist extensors (C6 / radial nerve)
Wrist flexors (C7 / median & ulnar nerves)
Finger extensors (C7 / radial nerve)
Finger flexors (C8 / median & ulnar nerves)
Finger flexors (C8 / median & ulnar nerves)
Finger flexors – dynamometer (grip) (C8 / median & ulnar nerves)
Interossei – finger adductors (T1 / ulnar nerve)
Interossei – finger abductors (T1 / ulnar nerve)
Muscle strength testing grading scale 5 full ROM against gravity and normal resistance 4 full ROM against gravity and some resistance 3 full ROM against gravity 2 full ROM with gravity removed 1 no motion, but slight contractility 0 no motion, no contractility
MUSCLE STRENGTH TESTING – LOWER EXTREMITY Psoas: L1,2,3 / branches of lumbar plexus Quadriceps: L2-4 / femoral nerve Adductors: L2-4 / obturator nerve Anterior tibialis: L4 / deep peroneal nerve Dorsiflexiors: L5 / deep peroneal nerve EHL: L5 / deep peroneal nerve Plantarflexors: S1 / tibial nerve Evertors: S1 / superficial peroneal nerve Gluteus medius: L5 / superior gluteal nerve Gluteus maximus: S1 / inferior gluteal nerve
Psoas (L1,2,3 / branches of lumbar plexus)
Quadriceps – hip flexion (L2-4 / femoral nerve)
Quadriceps – knee extension (L2-4 /femoral nerve)
Adductors (L2-4 / obturator nerve)
Anterior tibialis (dorsiflexion & inversion) (L4 / peroneal nerve – deep branch)
Dorsiflexors (L5 / peroneal nerve – deep branch)
Extensor Hallicus Longus (EHL) (L5 / peroneal nerve – deep branch)
Plantarflexors (S1 / tibial nerve)
Evertors (S1 / peroneal nerve –superficial branch)
Gluteus Medius (L4, L5, S1 / superior gluteal nerve)
Gluteus maximus (L5, S1, S2 / inferior gluteal nerve)