5. Conclusions and future work AMR COMPLEX MAGNETIC SIGNATURES MULTISENSOR FOR EXOMARS 2020 SURFACE PLATFORM J. V. López, J. Tabero, J. Pazos, A. Regadío, P. Aguilar, M. Diaz-Michelena, INTA, Spain {lopezjv, taberogj, pazosj, regadioca, aguilarjp, diazma}@inta.es C. Pérez, ISDEFE, Spain – as external consultant for INTA cpgarcia@isdefe.es 1. Introduction 4. System architecture The ExoMars 2020 mission will deliver a European rover “Rosalind Franklin” developed by ESA and a Russian Surface Platform “Kazachok” developed by Roscosmos to the surface of Mars. AMR (Anisotropic Magneto-Resistance) instrument is part of the METEO payload (METEOrological package) developed by IKI (Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences), which will be part of the Surface Platform. Unlike the rover, the Surface Platform will remain stationary on the Martian surface and will investigate the environment at the landing site. The set of sensors and instruments on the platform will operate during the nominal mission lifetime of one Earth year. The scientific purpose of AMR instrument is to take magnetic field measurements during the descent phase and once the platform has landed. By ejecting a sensing unit far from the platform to avoid magnetic disturbances, the innovative and size constrained AMR instrument will be able to provide the magnetic field vector right on the Martian surface. AMR instrument is integrated by three different systems, the E-Box as the control unit inside METEO, the S-Box as the sensing unit ejected on the Martian surface and the mechanical Holder which is attached to the solar panel and includes the ejection system power lines and control signals, two spring actuators and one limit switch for ejection sensing. E-Box: UART interface with METEO via RS-422. Power supply modules for ±5V, 2.5V, 1.2V and 3.3V. FPGA for communications, control and data handling. OTP rad-hard external memory. External watchdog and voltage monitor circuits. SEM IP core to prevent radiation induced errors. Internal magnetometers and accelerometer. S-Box: SPI interface with EBOX via RS-422. High resolution 24 bits bipolar ΔΣ-ADC. 3 axis HMC1001/1002 magnetometers. 3 axis accelerometer for inclination measurements. RTD Pt1000 temperature sensors. Calibration and magnetic domain conditioning circuits. Internal heaters for temperature control. S-BOX E-BOX 2. Mission objectives Improve the magnetic models of the local Martian crust measuring the magnetic field during the descent phase of the spacecraft. Compare the local surface magnetic intensities with orbital data acquired by other missions (Maven and MGS). Analyze the paleovector magnetic components to derive possible implications for the oriented Martian paleodynamo. Characterize the diurnal variations and vector components of the external magnetic field with long term measurements on surface. Determine a local K-index performing fast measurement cycles during solar storm events and comparing their effects on Earth. 3. Specifications MODE DESCENT DEPLOYMENT EJECTION SURFACE DESCRIPTION Descent phase Solar panel deploys S-Box ejects from panel S-Box lays on surface DURATION 10 min 5 min 20 s SAMPLING RATE 10 Hz 1 Hz / 10 Hz DATA VOLUME 160 kB 10 kB POWER E-BOX 1.4 W 9.4 W POWER S-BOX 0.6 W EXPECTED RESOLUTION 1 nT (magnetometers) / 300 µG (accelerometers) 5. Conclusions and future work The functional tests and the qualification and acceptance campaigns already developed in INTA facilities confirm that the instrument performance complies with the specifications and the system requirements of the mission. Ongoing campaign with an AMR model at Chilean Patagonia (Centinella Station) in terrestrial analogues of Mars. Flight Model is already finished and calibrated, ready to be integrated with METEO on board the Surface Platform. Launch is scheduled for mid 2020 from Baikonur, the Surface Platform will arrive after a nine-month journey. Once on the Martian surface, the data collected by AMR instrument will be sent to Earth and analyzed in future studies. This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grants ESP2017-88930-R and ESP2015-70184-R.