Innovations in Rural Transportation Planning Northcentral Montana Presented by: Jim Lyons, Director of Transportation North Central Montana Transit and Opportunity Link
Innovations in Regional Rural Transportation Regional Public Transportation System Facilitated establishment of 6 new rural transit systems in North Central Montana (Northern Transit Interlocal, Fort Belknap Transit System, North Central Montana Transit, Rocky Boy Transit, Toole County Transit, and Glacier County Transit) Opportunity Links Homegrown Strategies in Regional Transportation Planning Together with communities, developed a regional transportation plan with options for local and/or coordinated implementation Facilitated planning, if needed Neutral convener to ensure inclusive, multi-jurisdictional participation in planning process Horizontal, networked approach for collaboration and leadership Provided technical assistance on rural public transportation with local expertise (Western Transportation Institute)
North Central Montana Transit Fixed route system; NCMT & Fort Belknap Transit sharing of buses, drivers, routes and other resources; YouthBuild North Central Montana to expand program reach; Project GreenBuild in renovating transit facility; Sharing of staff to manage Havre-Hill County Airport; Boys & Girls Club summer routes to increase program participation; Volunteer garden at NCMT facility provides fresh produce to food bank, soup kitchen Biodiesel Demonstration NCMT use of locally produced biodiesel; BNSF Railways use of Montana biodiesel to test effect on locomotive switch engine and injectors in severe winter conditions; Montana biodiesel made available at local fueling stations; National Biodiesel Board Diesel Technician training to dispel biodiesel myths; Developing a community-based oilseed industry that provides 10% fuel independence to oilseed producers, farmers for farming operations. Community-Supported Transportation Projects
NCMT Innovation in funding (2011 snapshot) MDT Operations Assistance ($117,000) Job Access and Reverse Commute ($50,000) Montana State University Northern ($10,000, in-kind biodiesel equivalent to $15,000) MSUN Youth Build North Central Montana ($10,000) Hill County ($15,000); Blaine County ($15,000) Fort Belknap Indian Community (in-kind Green Line route equivalent to $25,000) Rocky Boy Transit (in-kind coordinated Blue Line route equivalent to $5,000) Opportunity Link ($30,000, in-kind administrative & operations support equivalent to $10,000) Bullhook Clinic and other partners ($2,000) Fares ($14,000) 2012 to 2014 Aggregating services (airport management) Community partnerships for services(Boys & Girls Club route, Harlem school teachers, Triangle Telephone) $318,000 NCMT Funding and Sustainability
For more information, contact: Jim Lyons, Director North Central Montana Transit (406) Barbara Stiffarm, Executive Director Opportunity Link, Inc. (406) WE RIDE THE LINE 5-part web series of videos