COM 251 Introduction to electronic media Denesi, Chapter 1 The mediated world Representation: the process of recording ideas, knowledge or messages in a physical way (semiotic theory) Semiotics: the theory of signs (signification) Signifier (what it is) = SIGN (Referent in the real world Signified (what it means)
COM 251 Introduction to electronic media Denesi, Chapter 1 The mediated world Communication Modes Across Time Orality – Literacy – Secondary Orality (Media Literacy) Analog Digital
COM 251 Introduction to electronic media Denesi, Chapter 1 The mediated world Basic Notions Mediation – selection of images from the “real” world (how does the medium represent the world) Messages – layers of meaning (binary oppositions) Information – content v. meaning Communication – Encoding/Decoding (process)