For his positive attitude to learning and his happy cheerful manner. Pupil of the month February 2012 For his positive attitude to learning and his happy cheerful manner. Primary 1
For always having a go and trying his best. Pupil of the month February 2012 For always having a go and trying his best. Primary 1/2
Primary 2 February 2012 Pupil of the month For always giving her best with reading and number-work. She is kind and helpful to others and a cheerful member of the class. Primary 2
Well done for working very hard at your maths. Pupil of the month February 2012 Well done for working very hard at your maths. Primary 3
Primary 4 February 2012 Pupil of the month For always following class rules. Listens well, is kind to others and always tries his best. Well done! Primary 4
Primary 4/5 February 2012 Pupil of the month Works consistently well in all subjects and lessons. Brings a great attitude and friendly personality with her into school each and everyday. Primary 4/5
Primary 6 February 2012 Pupil of the month Excellent expressive and creative work throughout her literacy tasks this month. What a little star! Primary 6
Primary 7 February 2012 Pupil of the month For being a good role model to younger children and having a sensible positive attitude. He listens well in class and works hard by the rules. Primary 7