Head of Passenger Transport Essex County Council Member of Passenger Transport Team Thurrock Council - shared service arrangement Policy Adviser Public Transport Consortium Local Government Association Chairman Bus and Coach Working Group Stansted Airport Transport Forum
The Public Transport Consortium (PTC) is a special interest group of the Local Government Association, representing the interests of shire counties and unitary authorities in England and Wales. Membership includes in excess of 30 authorities.
act as forum for discussion and promotion of public transport issues affecting local authorities outside metropolitan areas; Promote the exchange of experience and good practice between member authorities and in liaison with other bodies; advise appropriate committees or other executive bodies of the LGA on public transport issues; and represent interests of member authorities to Government, the Local Government Association, operators and other organisations involved in public transport
18.5 million passengers per annum 17 airlines fly to 158 destinations 181 companies on the airport employ people, 75% of whom live in Essex or Hertfordshire Cargo firms transported tonnes of goods
Airports impose demands on surface transport networks development of transport services to aid travel to and from the airport can provide great benefits for the local community
One of the largest public, private partnerships Set up in 1999 to establish a partnership approach to the way in which surface access to and from the Airport and within the surrounding area could be improved 70 organisations represented Focus on delivery
Planning permission to grow airport to 25 million passengers per annum Sets out clear framework for setting challenging targets in the development of surface access to support the Airport development to 2015 Contributes significantly towards sustainability and climate change agendas Contributes to and influences Local Development Framework and Local Transport plans
Acts as an Executive Board for the Transport Forum Sets objectives and monitors Working Groups Includes: Monitoring Group Bus and Coach Working Group Rail Working Group Travel Plan and Local Access Working Group Highways Working Group
Kick start bus and coach services Infrastructure investment to improve rail, bus and coach interchange Target Kiss and Fly 20%
630 bus and coach departures 180 rail departures per day 19 departures per hour to London Staff Travel Planning: 19.8% of employees used public transport in 2011 (up from 7% in 2003) 73.4% of those used airport travelcard
Quarter : 49.3% air passengers used public transport October – December 2011 passenger transport mode share 51.7% : 25.7% rail 26% bus and coach Private car use decreased from 52.8% in 2000 to 40.3% in 2011