Onyx Healthcare Inc. Bob Wang Apr. 16, 2019


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Presentation transcript:

Onyx Healthcare Inc. Bob Wang Apr. 16, 2019 6569

Disclaimer This presentation contains forward- looking statements and is subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. The projections should not be interpreted as legally binding commitments, but rather as flexible information subject to change occasionally. 2

Outline I Profile and History II Financial Performance III 2018 in Review IV Future Strategies and Plans 3

I Profile and History 1. Profile Name: Onyx Healthcare Inc. Time of Establishment: February 2, 2010 Paid-in Capital: NT$200.075 million Main Business: Development, manufacturing and sale of medical computers Person in Charge: Chairman Yung-Shun Chuang Headquarters: Xindian District, New Taipei City Number of Employees: 122 Reinvestment Subsidiaries: Onyx Healthcare USA, INC. (2011) Onyx Healthcare Europe B.V (2012) Onyx Healthcare (Shanghai) INC.(2014) iHELPER INC. (2018) 4

I Profile and History 2. History 2018 Ranked in the Small Giant category of CommonWealth Magazine’s Corporate Social Responsibility Awards 2017 Received the MedTech Breakthrough Award, Taiwan Mittelstand Award , Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA) SME Corporate Sustainability Report Awards 2016 Collaborated with Unimax in successfully implementing a smart hospital solution system 2016 Received the National Award of Outstanding SMEs, Rising Star Award, Taiwan SMEs Innovation Award 2015 Co-developed robot walking helper with Industrial Technology Research Institute 2014 Developed medical aids for patients with special needs in collaboration with international manufacturers 2010 Onyx Healthcare was officially established 5

3. Product and Application I Profile and History 3. Product and Application 在這張圖片裡 他描述了從急診室 加護病房 手術室 護理站 到病房 和生化實驗室等的應用情境 對象從專業醫生 護士 病人 乃至到分析師 醫揚依據醫療環境和對象 透過需求分析和設計創新 開發出不同場所的產品 6

Ⅱ Financial Performance 1. Y2018 Financial Results 7

Ⅱ Financial Performance 2. Sales by Region 8

Ⅱ Financial Performance 3. Sales by Product Line 9

III 2018 in Review (1) Highly profitable product lines grew constantly Entering the Asia Pacific Market Operating costs under control effectively The changes of exchange rate are well monitored Non-operating income from investments

III 2018 in Review (2) ORION Hospital IT Management Software Package Real-time Remote Monitoring Group Settings Remote Backup/Recovery Battery Diagnostics E-Mail Reporting Remote Update/Installation Customizable Dashboard Automated Task Scheduling

IV Future Strategies and Plans -- 3 New Strategies in 2019 New highly profitable product lines New customers New technologies 12