Journalism Unit Bobcat Beat The News Story Journalism Unit Bobcat Beat
News Stories News stories are always factual. News stories are brief and concise. All news stories should be written in 3rd person. Do not use I, my, we, me, us, or our. Do not include your opinion (only if you are writing a feature story).
News Stories News stories contain the lead paragraph and the news body. The lead must be attention grabbing. Always include who, what when, where, and sometimes why and how. Sentences should be short. Eliminate unnecessary words.
News Stories The FBI accompanied the group of witnesses to Montgomery last month because the FBI was hopeful that it might work out that some of them might be able to identify the suspects of the crime. The FBI agent accompanied the witness to Montgomery last month, hoping they could identify the suspect.
News Stories When the play was over, everyone in the audience seemed to be happy and showed it by enthusiastically clapping. At the end of the play, the audience clapped enthusiastically.
News Stories In a news story, important facts are stated in the first paragraph (after the lead). The least important facts and details are found in the last paragraph. This is called inverted pyramid style. Facts are presented in order of importance. Why do you think newspapers use inverted pyramid style?
News Stories- Inverted Pyramid
News Stories Lead- “hook” the reader Important facts in the first paragraph. Middle paragraphs answer the rest of the 5 W’s and H. Include quotes and other details. The conclusion summarizes the story and gives the reader something to think about.