Groundwater monitoring in some Nordic Countries - Finland, Sweden and Norway Juhani Gustafsson, Finnish Environment Institute, SYKE Mangnus Åsman & Mats Astrup, Geological Survey of Sweden Jan Cramer, Geological Survey of Norway
Monitoring of groundwater in Finland Nationwide Groundwater monitoring networks The Finnish Environment Administration The Geological Survey of Finland The Road Administration Groundwater monitoring related to groundwater abstraction – water works aggregate (sand and gravel) extraction permit conditions - EPA 9.7.2019
The nationwide groundwater monitoring networks The Finnish Environment Administration (1975 - ) In total 53 monitoring stations which are located in areas without human impact – background values – > basis for threshold values Areas represent a range of geological and climate conditions Quality and groundwater level monitoring Sampling is carried out 4 times a year and groundwater level measurements 2 times a month The Geological Survey of Finland (1969 - ) Altogether 50 groundwater basins in different geological formations, where groundwater quality and groundwater level are monitored 1- 4 times a year The impact of geological factors and anthropogenic activities on groundwater The Finnish Road Administration Impacts of road salting on groundwater, approximately 200 monitoring sites of which 50 are monitored more intensively The monitoring will start in the end of 2005. 9.7.2019
The proposed network for groundwater surveillance monitoring of WFD in Finland The proposed network will be based on the groundwater monitoring networks of Finnish Environment Administration (green) and Geological Survey of Finland (red) completed with approximately 180 sites on aquifers used for water abstraction (lilac) The groundwater quality and level data will be managed by the groundwater database of the Finnish environment administration (POVET) 9.7.2019
Groundwater monitoring at regional level Groundwater abstraction In Finland approximately 1500 water works Monitoring of groundwater level and quality Aggregate extraction Usually in the permit condition (granted by municipal authorities) the operator is obligated to monitor the groundwater level (in the recent permits also quality). Monitoring required in approximately 1500 sites. Monitoring required in the environmental permits based on EPA 9.7.2019
Remarks There is a great number of groundwater bodies in Finland It is essential to group the groundwater bodies for monitoring purpose. The grouping methodology is under development Groundwater bodies can belong to same group if GWBs belong to the same geological type (esker, ice-marginal formation etc) there is no significant difference in the quality of groundwater between groundwater bodies the pressures and possible impacts are insignificant or they are of same type Data management will be developed aiming to more efficient use of monitoring data collection from the regional level (municipalities, water works etc) 9.7.2019
Remarks The surveillance monitoring of groundwater required in the WFD will be based on the existing monitoring networks with some additions. The gw monitoring network of The Finnish Environment Administration will be used for background values -> basis for threshold values impacts of air-borne pollution The monitoring done by the water works (untreated water) will be used for surveillance and operational monitoring The results of gw monitoring done at the regional level can be used for operational monitoring some additions to the monitoring network will be necessary the need is considered based on the outcome of the protection plan for groundwater body or group of groundwater bodies 9.7.2019
National monitoring of groundwater in Sweden Reference systems Reference stations - groundwater Groundwater network of the Geological Survey Integrated Monitoring (ICP-IM) 9.7.2019
Number of stations Chemistry: Reference stations of groundwater, 118 Groundwater network, 34 Integrated Monitoring, 24 (not shown in the map) Groundwater level: Groundwater network, 350 (not shown in the map) 9.7.2019
Possible use of the present monitoring stations Background values as a basis for threshold values for some main substances and heavy metals Surveillance monitoring of groundwater bodies which are only subject to air-borne pollution About 50 groundwater bodies are covered by the present monitoring. Grouping of bodies in the northern part of Sweden will make it possible that these stations will represent a large number of groundwater bodies. 9.7.2019
Short-comings of present monitoring The network is not designed to be able to validate the impact assessment procedure if there is a suspicion that the body is at risk. The network can not serve as operational monitoring. 9.7.2019
Groundwater areas Class1, total 225 st No water wells or unknown Water wells, 142 st Intentions Grouping of groundwater bodies will be made if they: - belong to the same geographical region according to the Swedish environmental quality criteria for groundwater - consist of the same geological setting - are subject to the same type of impact Municipal wells included in the surveillance monitoring (about 2000) 9.7.2019
Groundwater monitoring in Norway National monitoring plan under development Pilot studies aimed at quantitative- and qualitative intercalibration National network with reference stations since 1977 Working on digital integration of existing networks 9.7.2019
Estimated total number 8,000 - 10,000 individual groundwater bodies Estimated total number 8,000 - 10,000 individual groundwater bodies Currently proposed ~ 965 Groundwater units (sedimentary + bedrock) based on classification and grouping 9.7.2019
Groundwater Monitoring: Surveillance Groundwater Monitoring: Surveillance – 55 reference stations Operational - 1500 waterworks - various local systems Investigative - various special systems (to delineate physical and chemical issues) Groundwater Monitoring: Surveillance – 55 reference stations Operational - 1500 waterworks - various local systems (airports, disposal sites, agriculture, etc.) Groundwater Monitoring: Surveillance – 55 reference stations 9.7.2019
Summary Common feature in NO, SWE and FIN is the occurrence of a large number of groundwater bodies grouping will have to be done for monitoring purpose in the northern regions - few monitoring stations will represent a large number of groundwater bodies The existing monitoring stations will be used for surveillance monitoring and defining the baseline of groundwater quality and level The monitoring done by the water works will be used to complete the monitoring networks 9.7.2019
Thank you for your attention ! 9.7.2019