Presented by Phillip L. Sanchez Chief of Police February 22, 2016 Authorization to enter into a one year contract with the Flintridge Center to manage the Pasadena/Altadena Reintegration Program Presented by Phillip L. Sanchez Chief of Police February 22, 2016
Background In 2012, Proposition 30 was placed on the California ballot and passed by California voters. Proposition 30 directed a portion of existing sales taxes and vehicle license fees to California counties to assist with realignment efforts, that were previously enacted under Assembly Bill 109 for which funding was not immediately allocated. The passage of Prop 30 guarantees public safety funding through writing it into the state constitution allowing funding to be moved closer to local governments localizing programs so that local elected officials can decide how best to meet their community’s needs.
Background Public safety funding as enacted under this law is defined as anything needed to ensure a safe environment, from preventing crime by putting more police officers on the streets, to protecting children through child welfare services. Public safety programs also include supportive services such as substance use disorder, mental health services, foster care and many more public services. Staff is recommending the Pasadena Police Department to enter into a one year contract with the Flintridge Center for the management of the Pasadena/Altadena Re-Integration Program. The Flintridge Center was selected by the City of Pasadena to serve as the community-based "institutional home" for local service providers addressing community violence. Under this contract, the Flintridge Center will hire a Coordinator, Case Manager and Community Outreach Worker.
Empirical Data 11/30/2015: AB109 population countywide was 24,479 with 43.35% recidivism. 11/30/2015: AB109 population of Pasadena was 215 with 31.1% recidivism. Approximately 800 adults are currently on formal probation in Pasadena. PPD Public Safety Performance Measures mandate 20 informational sessions and referrals to the Pasadena/Altadena Reintegration Program; currently at 65%. Approximately 300 people attend the Flintridge Reintegration Resource Fair annually. Flintridge is striving to provide services to 600 people annually.
Empirical Data The creation of a Coordinator, Case Manager, and Outreach Worker will allow further systems navigation that captures: The number of service providers available to assist the previously incarcerated The number of actual persons assisted, along with their family members The number of outreach efforts provided to the community The number of Resource Fair participants and follow-up assistance The number of referrals to the Flintridge Center The on going education and contribution of community partnerships The Flintridge Apprenticeship Program in the construction industry currently graduates approximately 75 persons per year through their program, who go on and find labor with AFL/CIO unions. The success rate with this program ranges from 67% - 87% of the population who enroll.
Fiscal Impact Public Safety Funds were received June 24, 2013 and credited to revenue account 6531-101-401100. The recommended action will increase appropriations in the Police Department’s FY2016 Operating Budget by $170,000. Funding for this contract will not exceed $170,000. Environmental Analysis: This request does not fall within CEQA requirements.
Recommendation Find that the proposed action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061 (b)(3) as it will not have a potentially significant environmental effect and, therefore, falls under the “general rule” exemptions; and Recognize and appropriate $170,000 from fund 6531-101-401100 which was appropriated into the Police Department’s budget in June 24, 2013, as a result of one time Proposition 30 State Funding. Approve a journal voucher appropriating $170,000 in State of California, Proposition 30 Re-Alignment Funds to the Police Department FY 2016 Operating Budget account 8101-401100.