Vocab Unit 1 Jeopardy Eng 2
Definitions 1 Synonyms Definitions 2 Antonyms Definitions 3 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
a special right or privilege Definitions 1 100 Points a special right or privilege
Definitions 1 100 Points prerogative
To draw forth, bring out from some source (such as another person) Definitions 1 200 Points To draw forth, bring out from some source (such as another person)
Definitions 1 200 Points elicit
The expression of approval or favorable opinion, praise Definitions 1 300 Points The expression of approval or favorable opinion, praise
Definitions 1 300 Points approbation
-to rise above or beyond, to exceed Definitions 1 400 Points -to rise above or beyond, to exceed
Definitions 1 400 Points transcend
Used so often as to lack freshness or originality Definitions 1 500 Points Used so often as to lack freshness or originality
Definitions 1 500 Points hackneyed
Irritable, testy, waspish Synonyms 100 Points Irritable, testy, waspish
Synonyms 100 Points petulant
Praiseworthy, deserving recognition Synonyms 200 Points Praiseworthy, deserving recognition
Synonyms 200 Points meritorious
Synonyms 300 Points Perquisite, perk
Synonyms 300 Points prerogative
Sated, surfeited, cloyed Synonyms 400 Points Sated, surfeited, cloyed
Synonyms 400 Points jaded
Gruesome, gory, sensational Synonyms 500 Points Gruesome, gory, sensational
Synonyms 500 Points lurid
To make easier or milder, relieve Definitions 2 100 Points To make easier or milder, relieve
Definitions 2 100 Points assuage
To make a pretense of , imitate Definitions 2 200 Points To make a pretense of , imitate
Definitions 2 200 Points simulate
Pertaining to an outlaying area Definitions 2 300 Points Pertaining to an outlaying area
Definitions 2 300 Points provincial
Causing shock, horror, or revulsion Definitions 400 Points Causing shock, horror, or revulsion
Definitions 2 400 Points lurid
A gap, opening, break (in the sense of having an element missing) Definitions 2 500 Points A gap, opening, break (in the sense of having an element missing)
Definition 2 500 Points hiatus
Rise, growth, development, maturation Antonym 100 Points Rise, growth, development, maturation
Antonym 100 Points decadence
Intensify, aggravate, exacerbate Antonym 200 Points Intensify, aggravate, exacerbate
Antonym 200 Points assuage
Disapproval, condemnation, censure Antonym 300 Points Disapproval, condemnation, censure
Antonym 300 Points approbation
Repress, quash, squelch, stifle Antonym 400 Points Repress, quash, squelch, stifle
Antonym 400 Points elicit
Antonym 500 Points Splinter group
Antonym 500 Points coalition
Decline, decay, or deteriortion Definitions 3 100 Points Decline, decay, or deteriortion
Definitions 3 100 Points decadence
Peevish, annoyed with trifles, easily irritated & upset Definitions 3 200 Points Peevish, annoyed with trifles, easily irritated & upset
Definitions 3 200 Points petulant
Definitions 300 Points Foliage giving shade
Definitions 3 300 Points umbrage
Definitions 3 400 Points Fatty,oily, & pliable
Definitions 3 400 Points unctuous
Definitions 3 500 Points A hint, indirection suggestion, or reference (often in a derogatory sense)
Definitions 3 500 Points innuendo
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