INNOVATIVE INITIATIVES IMPLEMENTED IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION (SUCCESS STORIES) Presented at the 9th Commonwealth Regional Conference For Heads Of Anti-Corruption Agencies In Africa Kampala, Uganda 6th – 10th May, 2019 Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, Kenya
OUTLINE Introduction Innovative initiatives implemented Main Challenges Results of the Innovation Opportunities Recommendations Country Visits
INTRODUCTION Prevent corruption; Educate the public; EACC is the principal agency in Kenya vested with powers and functions to, inter alia: Prevent corruption; Educate the public; Investigate corruption, economic crimes and ethical breaches; Trace and recover illegally/corruptly acquired assets.
INNOVATIVE INITIATIVES Public Education and Awareness Creation Faith-based Sector Awareness Education and Collaboration Formation of ‘Adili’ (Integrity Clubs) Targeted awareness in ‘hotspots’ Vernacular Media Programmes Establishment of the National Integrity Academy (NIAca) Multi-agency Team (MAT) Initiative Intelligence Gathering & Undercover Investigations
Public Education and Awareness Creation Faith-based Sector Awareness Education and Collaboration EACC has developed anti-corruption education materials for the Faith-based sector. These materials are designed to promote behaviour change by enhancing an ethical culture. Formation of ‘Adili’ (Integrity Clubs) EACC implements school outreach programmes aimed at re-engineering social values among learners. Motive is to ‘Catch them young’. These programmes involve visits to schools, integrity talks and establishment of Integrity Clubs(Adili) and integrity Movements in higher learning institutions ‘Adili’ which is a swahili word means ethics.
Targeted awareness in ‘hotspots’ EACC is undertaking targeted awareness in corruption hotspots which include service provision areas such as land registries, hospitals, transport termini, county markets and also with groups vulnerable to bribery such as ‘matatu’ and ‘boda boda’ operators. Vernacular Media Programmes EACC has in the recent past extensively embarked on media programmes to educate the public on leadership, ethics, integrity, good governance and anti-corruption measures through local vernacular FM radio stations where messaging is localised. Motive is to mobilize citizens against corruption & unethical practices. If citizens become intolerant to all forms of corruption, then the war can be won.
Establishment of the National Integrity Academy (NIAca) The Commission established NIAca in 2017 to promote a culture of integrity in all sectors through training and research. The functions of the academy include: Undertake capacity development; Undertake research on emerging trends; Develop and review anti-corruption curriculum; Establish and maintain a Resource Centre on ethics, integrity, leadership and anti-corruption. Multi-agency Team (MAT) Initiative EACC is part of a seven (7) agency team drawn from law enforcement, tax and security agencies formed to enhance cooperation, coordination and collaboration in the fight against corruption and organised crimes.
4. Intelligence Gathering & Undercover investigations Each agency applying its mandate confronts each case from all angles including: tax, money laundering, asset recovery, economic crime, criminal aberrations among others. 4. Intelligence Gathering & Undercover investigations This strategy helps the Commission disrupt activities aimed at embezzling public resources. The Commission conducts undercover investigations majorly at service points in various Government Institutions to gauge the existence of corruption and unethical practices.
MAIN CHALLENGES Lack of enforcement mechanisms for regulatory breaches and implementation of prevention advisories; Public apathy on governance issues; The uptake of the school programme has been slow due to the expansive spread of institutions; Ethics and anti-corruption issues are competing against mainstream curriculum where the focus is on syllabi and learning outcomes.
RESULTS OF THE INNOVATION Public outreach initiatives have enabled the Commission carry the anti-corruption message through both face-to-face encounters and through the media; Intelligence led disruptions have averted possible loss of approximately USD 100 Million; The MAT initiative is a serious combined onslaught against the corrupt and leaves them completely exposed and without resources to fight back.
OPPORTUNITIES Revived resolve from the political leadership The Government of Kenya in the recent past has renewed its commitment to tackling corruption. Multi-Sectoral Initiative against Corruption A platform for engagement with leaders from various sectors of the society around a unified and well-coordinated approach to fight corruption. It draws its sectoral representation from the Private sector; Religious Community; Media; Professionals; Youth; Women; Trade unions; Civil Society among others
recommendations There is need to develop mechanism for ensuring compliance by heads of public institutions for failure to implement recommendations made by EACC. Review of the existing policy and legal framework.
Country visits Kenya received delegates from the following Countries: Zambia, Djibouti, Botswana and Uganda Kenya Visited: Austria, Hong Kong, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda, China, United Kingdom.
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