Cordoba Monday 4/1
Objective: you will be able to describe the major split that developed in Islam in the late 600s and you will be able to explain how the Umayyads transformed Muslim Spain into a center of power, learning, and culture between 756 and 1031 Standard: 8.4.7.A. Summarize the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals and groups in world history.
Homework: Read 2.2 (pgs. 382-383) + SQ3R Do Now Take out homework and stamp sheet Copy down objective Numbered heads review Homework: Read 2.2 (pgs. 382-383) + SQ3R
Numbered Heads Review What major division in Islam developed after the Umayyads came to power? How did the Umayyads strengthen the Muslim empire? What flaws of the Abbasid caliphs contributed to their downfall?
Cordoba Video -Go to Google Classroom -Under “Islam” click “Cordoba Video” -Fill out Pink Worksheet