Rationalization Projection Displacement Anal retentive Oral ego Psychosexual stages Personality (1856-1939) id Unconscious mind Free association
Created a psychological explanation for nervous disorders. Called the “ ”
Psychodynamic Perspective Freud’s a series of “firsts”: Comprehensive theory of______________ Recognizing the _______________ mind, Sexuality in child nature as _____________ stages Defense mechanisms
Exploring the Unconscious Mind Lay on the couch and say whatever comes to mind ( ) to tap the unconscious. Why use this technique?
Another method is interpreting manifest and latent contents of dreams, called ( )
Psychoanalysis Free association leads to painful, embarrassing unconscious memories. Via psychoanalysis, these memories are retrieved and released helping the patient felt better. It’s always about Mother!!
The famous “Freud’s Personality Structure as an Iceberg” figure Personality develops as a result of our efforts to resolve conflicts between our biological impulses ( ) and social restraints ( ).
Freud believed that personality formed during life’s first few years divided into five psychosexual stages.
______________Complex Referencing Greek play by Sophocles. It’s a boy’s sexual desires toward his mother and feelings of threat, jealousy and hatred for the rival father. Boys cope with these feelings by repressing them and by ____________with the rival parent (i.e. the father).
Assessing Unconscious Processes Psychological instruments ( ) that reveal hidden unconscious mind. _________________________(TAT) People express their inner feelings and interests through the stories they make up about ambiguous scenes. ______________ Inkblot Test Seeks to identify people’s inner feelings by analyzing their interpretations of the blots.