My name (and my picture?)


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Presentation transcript:

My name (and my picture?) My Portfolio My name (and my picture?)

Table of Contents Portfolio Overview Overall Reflection Resumé Standards Artifacts

Standards Overview Teaching Standards Technology Standards Philosophy Learning Theory & Practice Diversity Content Instruction & Assessment Learning Environment Family & Community Involvement Professional Growth Technology Standards Technology Operations & Concepts Planning & Designing Learning Environments & Experiences Teaching, Learning & Curriculum Assessment & Evaluation Productivity & Professional Practice Social, Ethical, Lega1 & Human Issues

Standard 1 Philosophy Include for each standard: Highlights from reflective portfolio Summary of reflections Links to key artifacts

Standard 2 Learning Theory & Practice

Standard 3 Diversity

Standard 4 Content

Standard 5 Instruction & Assessment

Standard 6 Learning Environment

Standard 7 Family & Community Involvement

Standard 8 Professional Growth

Technology Standard 1 Technology Operations & Concepts

Technology Standard 2 Planning & Designing Learning Experiences

Technology Standard 3 Teaching, Learning & Curriculum

Technology Standard 4 Assessment & Evaluation

Technology Standard 5 Productivity & Professional Practice

Technology Standard 6 Social, Ethical, Legal & Human Issues