Mysteries of Stonehenge Выполнила ученица 6А класса Шматкова А. А.
INTRODUCTION The purpose of my report is to study mysteries of Stonehenge I chose this topic because I am interested in ancient sights, British culture. Stonehenge has difficult history to understand and I want to make out it. The objectives of my report are: 1) to find who and when built Stonehenge, 2) to learn legends about Stonehenge.
Stonehenge is a massive stone monument in Wiltshire, England. It is in UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites.
Stones are from place, which is situated more than 200 km from Stonehenge.
Bluestones Observatory
440, 000 pounds and 37 000 000 rubles – price of Stonehenge
1 million tourists visit Stonehenge every year.
CONCLUSION In my report I have studied the topic of mysteries of Stonehenge. I found that there isn’t exact information and mention about Stonehenge in history. But there are many funny and serious stories and versions about Stonehenge, everyone can choose the one that he likes and believe. Scientists must to explore Stonehenge further to understand ancient people, their faith, opinion and history. It can be concluded that Stonehenge is a riddle, that still we can not understand and we can only guess who and when built Stonehenge.
VOCABULARY LIST 1. Rope- веревка, канат 2. Limestone- известняк 3. Stake - кол 4. Restoration - реставрация 5. Alien- инопланетянин 6. Sorcerer - колдун 7. In honor- в честь 8. Victory- победа 9. Substantially- в основном 10. Chip–откалывать 11. Achieve- достигать доводить до конца 12. Cemetery- кладбище 13. Mention - упоминание 14. Took apart - разбирать
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