Second Grade February 4 - 8 Preston Pride Important Dates: Reminders Goals for this week: Math We will solve one-step word problems within 1,000 using a variety of strategies. I will decide and justify what information is important in solving one-step word problems. Reading We will identify “playful language” in our readings. I will learn about specific examples of playful language. Writing We will understand when to use capital letters in our writing. We will publish our opinions and celebrate our growth as writers. I will use capitals, punctuation, and added extras to make my writing interesting. Science We will learn how objects in the sky, such as the sun and moon, appear to change at different times of the day. I will observe, describe, and record patterns of objects in the daytime sky. Social Studies We will identify the contributions of Thurgood Marshall and Irma Rangel. I will research Thurgood Marshall and Irma Rangel and write about their lives. Word Work We will decode words with /oo/ spelling patterns. I will spell words with /oo/ spelling patterns. *Please continue to practice cursive writing at home! We have covered most of the lowercase alphabet and students are excited to write words in cursive! Important Dates: February 6th Heritage Night 6:30 – 8pm (cafeteria) February 7th Spring Pictures February 14th Valentines Exchange February 18th Bad Weather Make-up Day (No School) Follow us on Twitter @HaddenPreston2 @Herbert2ndGrade @MaurerPreston2 @hhaleypreston2 @AMcC2ndPreston Reminders Homework: Read every night for 20 mins. With the weather cooling down, please be sure that your child brings a jacket/coat daily (with his/her name in it)! Please remember to check Tuesday Folders and return them on Wednesday. Preston Pride