MICRO-LENDING METHODOLOGIES Individual lending Agent banking Group based lending Small group Grameen Model Solidarity Group Model Community based Credit Union Village Savings and Loan Scheme Village Banking Model
INSTITUTIONAL OPERATIONAL REVIEW Corporate governance Market and clients Credit methodology Distribution Human resource management Management information system Account and financial management Operational risk management
CLIENTS OF MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS Women Microentrepreneurs Small farmers Landless and smallholders Resettled persons Indigenous persons Low income persons in remote or subsistence areas Direct Targeting Tools Cashphore housing Index Participatory Wealth Ranking Household Survey Indirectly targeting Loan products Lending methodology
MARKET FOR MICROFINANCE Areas where clients of microfinance exist. Urban slums and squatters Urban renters Migrating poor in emerging market towns Agricultural dependent subsistence farmers People living is scattered settlement, inaccessible hills and mountains
NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Market identification Client identification Undertaking area potentiality survey Un-met demand Exportable items Importable items Import substituting possibilities Identifying potential products and value chain development Product life cycle analysis Product development
FEATURES OF NEW PRODUCTS Savings products Minimum savings balance Savings interval Interest on savings Withdrawal facility Withdrawal frequency Conditions for account closing Loan Products Loan size Interest rate Loan term Repayment Interest payment Delay payment and Penalty and rebate system
CLASS ASSIGNMENT You are recruited by a local MFI to develop microfinance products and services in a loan product in Pyutar VDC of Lalitpur district. Basic information about the VDC is given below. Using these information, suggest the suitable microfinance products for the MFI. S.N. Particulars Value 1 Total Population 4,500 2 Households 1,000 3 Household below poverty line (%) 70% 4 Agricultural dependent households 80% 5 Households with overseas migrant workers 50% 6 Average annual disposable income of the HHs 395,000 7 Marginal propensity to save 12% 8 Livestock holding (%) 95% 9 Formal sector workers (% population) 5% 10 Road access (all weather: 5 km), fair weather: 15 km Exist 11 Potential commodities: vegetables, coffee, citrus, dairy, goat, beans, poultry and piggery