Title of Project: ~40 size font, Background color should grab attention, but not be harsh on the eyes Authors: First author (the one that made the poster) First Last name, Degree(s)affiliation symbol, Next Author(s), Principal Investigator last Supported by: (your institution, program or company, etc.) 1) Institution or place of work, department or division if applicable, City, State/Province or Equivalent if applicable, Country 2nd Logo Such as your program or training site 1st Logo Such as your university RESULTS Walk the reader through: The data and any figures or tables Describe the data - Do not interpret the data ABSTRACT/INTRODUCTION (font size 30-36) Can be two separate sections (Abstract then an Introduction), or blended. Depends on the amount of material you have and personal style. General Rule of thumb: Audience should be able to read the poster comfortably from 5 feet away. Font size 20-24 normally works well Posters are generally 4 x 6 ft when printed, but can be smaller too. This is your poster – feel empowered to format it they way you would like At the same time it needs to be esthetically pleasing and easy to understand The poster does not need to be 4 columns, headings do not need to be at the top of each column, figure/tables do not need to fit into the column space, etc… Poster highlights the main points of research Doesn’t have to have all the details. More than the abstract, less than the full paper Add easy to read figures and tables References can be added, but are not absolutely necessary Posters are more about your research and less on specific background of other research papers Justify the text in the column METHODS Walk the reader through: What data you collected How you collected the data How you made choices to include or exclude data How you organized and grouped the data for analysis Any equations you used for statistical analysis Assumptions on data management choices are left for discussion or conclusion Results continued. Table/figure: CONCLUSION One sentence to start conclusion that leads into bullet points (Interpretation of results). Most important take home point Next and so on Last bullet point – future work or direction needed Table/figure: Data unique to your project Table /Figure :Methods flow diagram References: Any font size, small than main column text References are a must with oral presentations and papers. They are a nice addition to posters, but not 100% necessary. Table/Figure 1: Title of table or figure on key concepts in Introduction Font size 16-18