Background The transportation system includes both physical and nonphysical components related to all modes of travel that allow the movement of goods and people between locations. Lead Agency: US Department of Transportation
FGDC Transportation Subcommittee Charter was reestablished in October 2010 Chair: Mark Bradford Co-Chair: Raquel Hunt Partners: Census & USGS Work Plan 2011 & 2012: Intermodal Focused Surveyed the Transportation Community on their requirements for a spatial database of representation of Intermodal Defined the data definitions and data model Challenges: Lack of Resources to update the data
FGDC Transportation Subcommittee Charter Facilitation of partnerships and coordination of efforts among stakeholders Transportation networks, terminals, and services (including intermodal freight and passenger); and the movements of people and commodities Transportation includes all traditional transportation modes (roads, railroads, public transit, navigable waterways, and commercial air routes), intermodal connections between these modes, as well as commercial product pipelines. subcommittees/tsc/transportation-sc-charter pdf
Leadership SAOGI: Patricia Hu – Director/Associate Administrator for BTS, OST-R Executive Champion: Richard McKinney – USDOTs Chief Information Officer (CIO) Theme Lead: Raquel Hunt GIO: Steve Lewis USDOT Geospatial Coordination Council
14 Transportation National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) Dataset NameAgency Census Address Range-Feature Name Relationship FileCensus Census Address Ranges Relationship FileCensus Census All Roads DatasetCensus Traffic Analysis Zone (Census 2000)Census Inland Electronic Navigation Charts (IENC)USACE National Transportation Dataset - National MapUSGS AirportsUSDOT - FAA RunwaysUSDOT - FAA Transit (Combined Lines and Stations)USDOT – FTA RailUSDOT - FRA BridgeUSDOT - FHWA IntermodalUSDOT - BTS PortsUSACE LocksUSACE
Coordination is the Key to Success Participation on all Coordination Group (CG) meetings and Theme lead meetings January 2014 Updated the CG on the Transportation Theme DOT has representation on the Writing Teams for the A-16 Implementation Plan Provided updates to the responsible parties on the portfolio management actions and timelines Finalized the Strategic Plan for Geospatial Data for Transportation Outreached to the NGDA Dataset Owners
NGDA - BTS Registered on Data.gov Outreached to Stakeholders to Access Needs: BTS Federal, State, Local and Private Intermodal Commodity Routing Commodity Flow Survey Census & BTS Intermodal
Business Requirement National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD) Congressional mandate Originally in the Intermodal Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 Included in each subsequent act Produced and distributed annually since 1995 Contains data from throughout USDOT and from several partner agencies Comprised of transportation networks, transportation facilities, and background layers
NDGA - FAA Airports & Runways Registered on Data.gov Outreached to Stakeholders to Access Needs: Ongoing Revising the current attributes Adding Airport boundaries to the NGDA
NGDA - Transit Registered on Data.gov Outreached to Stakeholders to Access Needs: FTA/BTS Collaboration Local Communities across the Nation GIS-T Participation Livable Communities Ongoing Transit Lines & Stations
NGDA - FRA Registered on Data.gov Outreached to Stakeholders to Access Needs: 2013 GIS Rail Submit GIS-T – State DOTs Association of American Railroads (AAR) Other Modes within DOT National Emergency Number Association (NENA) Ongoing… Dataset(s): Rail Network
NGDA - FHWA Registered on Data.gov Outreached to Stakeholders to Access Needs: Ongoing… NGDA needs to identify these are Highway Bridges only Dataset(s): Bridges
NGDA - Census Census Address Range-Feature Name Relationship File Census Address Ranges Relationship File Census All Roads Dataset Traffic Analysis Zone (Census 2000) Registered on Data.gov Outreached to Stakeholders to Access Needs: USGS NOAA National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Bureau of Land Management (BLM) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Health and Human Services (HHS) Department of Transportation (DOT) Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
All Roads Network Of Linear Referenced Data (ARNOLD) Mid February-Draft Specification 3 of 6 tasks completed in the Local Road Study Census/FHWA Charter implemented for Carolina Pilot Project
NGDA – U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Inland Electronic Navigation Charts (IENC) Ports Locks Registered on Data.gov Outreached to Stakeholders to Access Needs: Ongoing… Revising NGDA to remove the Navigation Charts and replacing with the Waterway Network
NGDA - USGS National Transportation Dataset – The National Map Registered on Data.gov Compliant Metadata Outreached to Stakeholders to Access Needs: Revising NGDA to remove the National Map
Community of Interest Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)/Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Federal Transit Administration (FTA) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) U.S. Army Corp Engineers (USACE) Transportation Research Board (TRB) National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) GIS for Transportation (GIS-T) Census USGS
GAO Report Update RecommendationStatus Designate SAOGIPatricia Hu designated SAOGI by SecDOT Prepare a strategy for advancing geospatial info DOT formally designated a Geospatial Coordination Council that will guide this effort. Metadata policyAwaits DOT Approval Clearinghouse policyAwaits DOT Approval Prepare goals for transportation data sets Following FGDC A-16 Implementation Plan schedule Strategic PlanDelayed to take advantage of completed NSDI plan Develop and implement standards Utilizing existing standards
FY14 Q2 & Q3 Transportation Theme Meeting(s): Meet with Dataset managers the week of February 24 th Discuss Implementation Plan Action Items for FY14 & FY15 Discuss the collaboration of the Geospatial Platform Transportation Subcommittee Chair and Co-Chair will be presenting and updating the State DOTs GIS staff on the Implementation of the A-16 guidance and the Transportation Theme ESRI Users Conference Populate content for the Geoplatform for Transportation
Questions Raquel Hunt