“Asha Kiran… a ray of hope” CHILD DEVELOPMENT “Asha Kiran… a ray of hope”
CHILD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMOF RILM RILM Child Development program is called - “Asha Kiran…. a ray of hope” Objective of ‘Asha Kiran… a ray of hope’ is: to ensure out-of-school children go through “special training classes” (age appropriate and class appropriate) at Asha Kiran Centres (AKCs) , and these out-of-school children are enrolled in age-appropriate classes in State funded schools Asha Kiran is implemented by RILM shortlisted NGOs
An Asha Kiran Centre in Bihar
WHO ARE THE ASHA KIRAN CHILDREN? Children in the age group of 7 to 14 years Children who have never been to school Children who are not attending school but enrolled, irregular or absent for more than 45 days without any information to school laggard in comparison to his/her age and class. (Children could be ’Children at Risk’, and ‘Children in need of Special Care and Protection’) Pertaining to point 3: Children at Risk could be children of inmates, children in conflict with law, runaway children, children of sex workers, children of migrant workers, victims of child labour practices, HIV positive children, children of HIV positive parents, orphans
ASHA KIRAN PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS Proposals invited from NGOs Desk Appraisal of Proposals to shortlist NGOs Field Appraisal of short-listed NGOs facilitated by NCM. Presence of Club member desirable. NCM approval of NGO required before signing of MoU
ASHA KIRAN PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS DG requested to appoint Mentor Clubs for each Asha Kiran Centre NGOs prepare child profiles RILMO and NGO organise a child screening process. RILMO responsible for child screening presence of Club member is desirable
ASHA KIRAN PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS NGO uploads data of approved children on RILM website. Every donor is tagged with number of Asha Kiran Children sponsored Donor can track the progress of the children by logging into www.rotaryteach.org as well as in the TEACH app.
Role of CLUBS in asha KIRAN A Club can : Sponsor each Asha Kiran @Rs. 2500/- and get tagged with sponsored Asha Kiran Children on RILM website Support RILM in finding NGOs for Asha Kiran Participate in the Child Screening process Visit NGO run Asha Kiran Centre periodically. Give feedback to RILM Be Mentor Club to Asha Kiran Centres
Asha Kiran Child Screening Process in Uttar Pradesh
PROCESS TO MAKE DONATIONS Bank payments (cheque and DD) only. Money receipt books are available on demand. 80G exemption against donations by Bank payments only. Account Name: RSAS A/c Literacy Mission Please do not collect the child sponsorship amount of Rs. 2500/- per child in cash
RILM TO NGO PAYMENT SCHEDULE Rs.500/- on signing of MoU and uploading approved Child Profile Rs.500/- after 3 months, on submission of all monthly progress reports, quarterly finance report and program report Rs.500/- after 6 months, on submission of mainstreaming certificate of child enrolled in State funded school and sample verification of the same
RILM TO NGO PAYMENT SCHEDULE… contd. Rs.500/- after 12 months on ensuring 75% attendance of child in school and submission of project completion report, and audited fund utilisation certificate Rs. 500/- is to be retained by RILM Office for admin and monitoring functions
Role of MENTOR CLUBS Active involvement to hand-hold and add value to Asha Kiran Program Monthly visits to oversee functioning of these Asha Kiran Centres (AKCs) While donations from Sponsors help in operations of the AKCs Mentor Clubs are local contact and support for AKCs
Role of MENTOR CLUBS Organising: Teaching (Arts, Crafts, Music etc.) Extracurricular activities (Painting, Debate, essay competition) Add nutritional component. Conduct health camps Need based intervention: safe drinking water, school bag, classroom library, shoes, winter cloths, indoor games and educational exposure visits
VIEW TAGGED CHILD DETAILS A donor can now view the details of the child sponsored by him/her through the link MY ASHA KIRAN CHILD on www.rotaryteach.org or on the TEACH app.
1. Visit www.rotaryteach.org and go to ‘My Asha Kiran Child’
2.Search for your name under the ‘donor data’ search tab
3. Then you will be able to view your name, club, no 3. Then you will be able to view your name, club, no. of children sponsored and view child details. In just one click on the ‘no. of children’ you will find the name of your sponsored child
4. Here is the name of the children you have sponsored
5. Click on ‘View Child Details’ to see the details of your sponsored child
6. Give your username that is your mail id and password and simply log in.
7. If you are a new donor and viewing your child details for the first times then you will see this ‘Pop Up Message’ that your email id is not registered
8. Once you register yourself with this ‘Donor Registration Form’ then you will automatically receive your log in credentials in your registered mail id
6. Then give your username that is your mail id and password and simply log in.
Group Work activities at an Asha Kiran Centre
Recognitions: Rotary Club & district Level Criteria Star Club 1 time donation-by full Club Star District 1000 children sponsored Super Star Club 3 times donation by full Club Super Star District 1500 children sponsored Mega Star Club 5 times donation by full Club Mega Star District 3000 children sponsored Supreme Star Club 10 times donation by full Club Supreme Star District N.A.
Recognitions: IW Club & district Level Criteria Star Club 1 time donation by Club Star District 50% of District Membership Super Star Club 2 time donation by Club Super Star District 100% of District Membership Mega Star Club 3 time donation by Club Mega Star District 150% of District Membership Supreme Star Club 5 time donation by Club Supreme Star District 300% of District Membership