SAT List #5 5 on front, 5 on back in BLUE coercion commensurate concomitant confluence conglomerate chronic circuitous clandestine cloister coalesce
Guess the: P.O.S. & definition Context Clues: Guess the: P.O.S. & definition Everyone knew he was a chronic liar; you could never believe anything he said. (adj) compulsive; typical; habitual; inveterate When the annoying boy asked her to go out with him, the girl gave a circuitous excuse. (adj) indirect; roundabout; rambling The ninja was known for his clandestine ways; he could not be discovered by the enemy. (adj) furtive; surreptitious; secret
You can usually find the clergy in the cloister. "C"-Ya on Monday! You can usually find the clergy in the cloister. (n) convent; monastery; religious place 5. The two groups decided to coalesce in the middle of the museum at lunch. (v) combine; incorporate; merge 6. The robber’s coercion made the old lady give up her purse to him. (n) intimidation; duress; force; compulsion
Let's "C" How Smart You Are! The man’s salary was commensurate to his experience. (adj) equal in measure; of the same duration or size Being rude is concomitant with a boorish personality . (adj) concurrent; attendant; occurring with something else There was a confluence of students in the gym to watch the Homecoming assembly. (n) nexus; union; meeting; conflux
Yipppee! 10. The conglomerate of several different companies surprised many; most did not think they would all be able to work together. (n) corporation; partnership; firm