Figure 4 Unspecific MRI findings and facial dysmorphy in patients with germline variants Unspecific MRI findings and facial dysmorphy in patients with.


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Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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Figure 4 Unspecific MRI findings and facial dysmorphy in patients with germline variants Unspecific MRI findings and facial dysmorphy in patients with germline variants (A and B) T2-weighted 3T MRI images of patient 9. Axial image shows dilated lateral ventricles (A), and sagittal image shows thinning of the posterior half of the corpus callosum (B). (C and D) Pictures of identical twin pair 10a and 10b show prominent forehead, low-set ears, gingival hyperplasia, frontal bossing, and micrognathia (MRIs not available for publication). (E–G) Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) weighted 1.5T MRIs of the brain, and the picture of patient 12. Axial and coronal images shows mild ventricular dilatation. Picture shows macrocephaly with frontal bossing, broad depressed nasal root, and coarse facial features. Rikke S. Møller et al. Neurol Genet 2016;2:e118 © 2016 American Academy of Neurology