Seguro Popular: Mexican Health Care in the Spotlight Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo Pachuca, Mexico Ruth Penny & Amanda Huerta
Pachuca (city) Hidalgo (state) Mexico (country) Clinical Observation Locations For more detail Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH) – Health Sciences Campus Simulation Lab Hospital del Niño –Pediatric Oncology Hospital General – Internal Medicine Outpatient Geriatric Centers
Why We chose Pachuca Spanish Nursing Practice Mexico We both majored in Spanish prior to nursing As DNP students we see lots of patients from Latin America but the majority are from Mexico Experienced Mexican health care system for a greater understanding of health literacy of our patients
Health Care for Civilians in Mexico Different kinds of care available in Pachuca IMSS Instituto Mexicano de Seguro Social—the social services including health insurance provided to those who are employed outside of the government ISSSTE Instituto de Seguridad y Servivios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado – services provided to employees of the state Seguro Popular The health care servies provided to the uninsured and unemployed in Mexico
Hospital Del Niño DIF Pediatric Oncology Inpatient Oncology Outpatient Chemotherapy Oncology Procedures Completed rotation primarily in contact with staff nurses and a social worker that gave me broad overview of patient flow, patient care, health care insurance coverage
Highlights in Hospital Del Niño DIF Meeting the patients Observing Procedures Observing General Surgery (last day)
Educating the Next Generation in Health Care Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) for Mexican Medical Students. Case Studies Clinical Judgement Performance Read Observe Perform Observing the training of medical professionals at ICSA (Health Science Campus)
General Hospital of Pachuca Internal Medicine This hospital receives patients from all social grades and all states.
Nursing Homes in Pachuca
Seguro Popular for Pediatric Oncology Bird’s eye view Only covers protocol treatment for oncology. Does not cover costs associated for adverse reactions to chemo Coverage Population Uninsured adults and children under 5 Contact Social worker inpatient described role in getting coverage for patients Access Patients often have to travel hundreds of miles to get access to SP facilities for care If patients are unable to pay for costs associated with adverse events, non profit organizations help Cost
Paying out for Health Care with Seguro Popular Hospital Del Niño (Anel Rosales) Causes Causes Seguro Popular GC Gastos Catastroficos SM Servicio Medico Pays for: Pays for: Pays for: Complications of disease once diagnosis is made Emergencies & diagnoses requiring long treatment Health care for children under 5
Summary Roles Reform Resources Health Care Differences Resources: Patients in Mexico rely heavily on governmental provision and when it is unable to pay, the families seek out help from non governemental charities Roles Resources Roles: Nursing staff in Mexico were unfamiliar with graduate level education for nurses especially with APRN certification
How we changed OUR PHILOSOPHY OUR MISSION OUR KEYS OUR FACILITIES We have gained better insight into how patients experience health care coverage and health literacy in Mexico To take this insight into practice as students and as APRN health care providers OUR KEYS OUR FACILITIES Learning new cultural insights and Spanish vocabulary in the process, we can now address our patients in a more informed and culturally appropriate way Now we need to consider how our facilities in the US are accessible in a culturally appropriate manner for our patients from Mexico and Latin America. This includes a system that can incorporate feedback from individuals experiencing our health care system
THANK YOU! FOR YOUR ATTENTION We are thankful to the staff of the OIP at KUMC, Professor Martha Baird, the staff of UAEH’s International Office, the Medical & Nursing Staff at UAEH, as well as the Cllinical staff at HDND, HG, and the geriatric care centers