2P8225 Spiritual Formation an online course
Perspective… Let me offer you some perspective on the Spiritual Transformation Inventory (STI)… We are using the STI as a tool to give us a big picture of spiritual formation – one that includes an academic perspective. That is, we want to understand the roles of both our heart and our mind in spiritual formation, as a way to open your soul to God. When using this test instrument, the point is not to arrive at a certain score, or to compare yourself to others. Nor is the point to necessarily increase your score in a certain area – growth may mean that you actually lower your score.
Perspective… (continued) Although we desire an accurate assessment of our personal “state” in the STI Individual Report, the value of this instrument for our purposes does not rely heavily on your assessment. Our Individual Reports should certainly make at least a modest contribution in showing us some strengths and weaknesses of how we relate to God and others. If it does that, we will benefit from the feedback it gives. But of greater value is the structure which we learn from it, for how spiritual transformation occurs.
Perspective… (continued) Understanding the mystery of transformation and how to facilitate spiritual change is of vital importance. This is where the STI excels in helping us to understand the nature of spiritual formation and transformation. We can learn how to engage all aspects of our heart and our mind, to present ourselves to God. The key lies in understanding how we are not in control of simply “willing” spiritual growth, but that we can facilitate spiritual growth by making a “workspace” available to God for change, and being active in that workspace. We can cooperate with God for the changes he desires in our lives.
Perspective… (continued) The STI is shaped around Five Big Ideas as they relate to spirituality. We will consider them one at a time…
Created to Connect God created us to connect. We connect to others. (We have relationships) We connect to meaning through our relationships. God himself is relational in his very essence. Matt 22:37-39… Jesus’ summary of spiritual growth – “love God, love others.” Spiritual growth is connected to how we treat others, and how we relate to them.
Created to Connect, continued Our experience of God is shaped in part by important relationships in our lives. Because we are created to connect, we cannot directly change our own character – we need God and others. But we can “furnish our soul” with relational connections that prepare us for transformation, and then wait on God to bring about the change.
Created to Connect, continued Relational connections and spiritual transformation depend on “attachment figures.” (Moses, Joseph, Jesus or Peter would be some examples of scriptural attachment figures) We learn from our attachment figures (parents, teachers, coaches, etc.) how to live life. Attachment figures help us figure out life. We depend on them for safety (and for a sensible framework from which to live life - DM.)
Created to Connect, continued Attachment figures (and relationships in general) are how we find meaning. Matt 16:25-26 tells us life will be futile if we keep it to ourselves. But if we give our life up for Jesus, we will find true life. We are so familiar with this verse that we quickly jump to the truth that we need to give our lives to Jesus. But we can miss the truth that the process of connecting, the having a relationship, is the avenue by which Jesus comes to us, and by which he desires us to grow. – DM Application: “How do we find meaning?” “Attachment relationships are the transmitters of spiritual meaning, values and morality.”
Created to Connect, continued John 15:1-6…we need to be relationally connected to Christ in order to grow, to bear fruit. The relationship gets “worked” Jesus prunes us we are shaped by his desires coming to life in us.
Questions to think about No answers are required for the class…just consider: Who in my life has most affected my ability (positively or negatively) to grow closer to God? What words would I use to describe my relationship with this person? What one or two characters in scripture do I most identify with? Why? Don’t forget to complete the journaling assignments for this week.