Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu ROMANIAN MINORS IN ITALY BETWEEN EXCLUSION AND INTEGRATION LUMSA, Taranto, 8° April 2011 Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu
Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu Migration and migrants What factor has the capability of structuring collective identities? The main problem of multicultural societies is mutual respect Italy finds itself as a multi-ethnic society but not an intercultural one Migrants have to be active PROTAGONISTS The migration phenomenon and migrants are wrapped in prejudice Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu
Ethnic minorities present in Italy Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu
Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu 21 milion Romanian citisens 300.000 minors in the care of one parent or grandparents 1.200.000 Romanians resident in Italy 50.000 minors between 2 and 6 years old 100.000 minors between 7 and 18 years old Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu
Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Adopted by the UN General Assembly on September 20° 1989 Ratified in Italy by law n. 176 del 1991 Ratified in Romania by law n.18 del 1990 Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu
Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu Tendencies in migration policies Toughening of laws and procedures for migrants with a lower level of education Attempts to attract the highly skilled workers Investing in new integration measures such as: “hosting and integration contracts” Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu
Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu Identity Cultural identity: the role of local authorities and the importance of the CHURCH Nicolae Iorga: ‘The people who does not know its own history, is like a child who does not know his own parents’ Ethnic identity: family role – primary socialising – community role – secondary socialising Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu
Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu Educative work CULTURAL ACTVITIES naturally favour communication and integration SCHOOLS- poorly prepared INTERCULTURAL MEDIATORS TRAINING OF EDUCATORS Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu
Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu Bilingualism ACTION PLAN approved by the EU Commission in July 2003 with an ambitious target: ‘mother tongue plus two’ Switzerland- a true laboratory for linguistic experiments which has favoured the multilingualism Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu
Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu Adoptions The new Civil Code 2011 Equal rights recognised for the father 100.000 mixed couples in Italy Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu
Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu Unaccompanied minors Minori non acompagnati segnalati per I principali paesi di provenienza, 2000 - 2008 Paese/ Anno 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Albania 5744 4415 2212 1446 1064 1123 1301 974 Marocco 639 1205 1802 1677 1408 1403 1492 1192 Romania 414 647 1462 2132 3148 2616 2336 - TOTALE 8307 8146 7040 8194 8100 7583 6453 7548 7797 Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu
Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu
Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu Integration obstacles Clandestinity Discrimination Hostility Violent climate Language and culture barriers Stereotypes and prejudice Different values Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu
Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu Conclusion John F. Kennedy ‘I am an immigrant’ Barak Obama ‘We must not forget that migration and its successive process of inclusion were often painful. Every new wave of immigration generated fear and resentment towards the newly arrived, particularly in times of profound economical changes, but our origins are tied to the notion that America is a place of refuge and liberty for the oppressed humanity. This continuous flux of people, talents and great workers has rendered America in to the global economy’s engine and a lighthouse of hope for the world. Prof. Ing. George Teseleanu