Sweet Symbols of the Savior BROTHERERIC Richards @Brotherichards @Brotherichards @Brotherichards Got questions? Have a story to share? Need a speaker for a Fireside or Youth Conference? eric@brotherichards.com
Description of Jesus Christ (Publius Lentulus) "There is a man in Judea who I am amazed to have witnessed, and who will now describe to you. He is a tall man, well shaped, and of an amiable and reverential aspect. His hair is of a color that can hardly be matched. It falls into graceful curls, waving about and couched about his shoulders. It is parted on the crown of his head, running as a stream to the front after the fashion of the Nazarites. His forehead is high, large and imposing. His cheeks are without spot or wrinkle. His face is most beautiful with a lovely red. His nose and mouth formed with exquisite symmetry. His beard, reaching below his chin and parted in the middle like a fork. Publius Lentulus. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Retrieved April 12, 2017 from New Advent: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09154a.htm
Description of Jesus Christ (Publius Lentulus) “His eyes are bright and clear and innocent, dignified, manly and mature. Often times however, just before he reveals his divine powers, his eyelids are gently closed in reverential silence. “In proportion of body it is most perfect and amazing to view. His arms and hands are lovely to behold. “He rebukes with majesty, and counsels with mildness. Whether in word or deed, he is eloquent and sincere. “No man has seen him laugh;, yet his manners are exceedingly pleasant. But he has wept frequently in the presence of men. He has temperate, modest and wise disposition; a man for his extraordinary beauty and divine perfection, surpassing the children of men in every sense.” Publius Lentulus. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Retrieved April 12, 2017 from New Advent: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09154a.htm
430 Years Abraham Moses
400 Years Old Testament New Testament
30 Years Jesus’ Birth Jesus’ Baptism
What similarities are there between “Abraham=>Moses” and “Malachi=>Jesus”? Abraham was told that his descendants would end up as slaves in a foreign country and that God would release them from bondage (Genesis 15:12 - 16). 430 years later, on the 15th day of the first month (Exodus 12:40 – 41) this prophecy was fulfilled. On the same (15th day of the first month in 30 A.D.), 430 years after Malachi, Jesus was born.
The Dead Sea
The Dead Sea
The Dead Sea
The Sea of Galilee The Dead Sea 9 times saltier than normal ocean water. No life Rich with exotic plant and animals (20 types of fish) Has supported the lives of many for over two millennia. Why is one sea so ‘alive’ and the other so ‘dead’? What’s the principle?
Which ancestors have some ‘history’ behind them? What does Jesus’ lineage say to you about your lineage? 12
Genealogy Application: What does it mean to me? “God actively intervenes in some destructive lineages, assigning a valiant spirit to break the chain of destructiveness in such families. Although these children may suffer innocently, they find the strength to “metabolize” the poison within themselves, refusing to pass it on to future generations. Before them were generations of destructive pain; but after them the line flows clear and pure. Their children and children’s children will call them blessed.” (Calfred Broderick, Ensign, Aug. 1996)
Christmas Trivia T/F Joseph and Mary were both from Bethlehem. The innkeeper is a bad man for not letting Joseph and Mary have a room. Jesus was born on December 25, 0 AD Joseph and Mary traveled 90 miles to pay taxes Mary remained a virgin after the birth of Christ. The Shepherds followed a new star to find the Christ child.
Shepherds A tower known as Migdal Eder, or the watchtower of the flock, was near Bethlehem. Here was the station where shepherds watched the flocks destined for sacrifice in the temple. . . . It was a settled conviction among the Jews that the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem, and equally that he was to be revealed from Migdal Eder. The flock mentioned in the scripture, then, apparently was the one used for temple sacrifices. (Gerald N. Lund, Selected Writings of Gerald N. Lund: Gospel Scholars Series , p.144)
Christmas Trivia T/F Joseph and Mary were both from Bethlehem. The innkeeper is a bad man for not letting Joseph and Mary have a room. Jesus was born on December 25, 0 AD Joseph and Mary traveled 90 miles to pay taxes Mary remained a virgin after the birth of Christ. The Shepherds followed a new star to find the Christ child. Mary, Joseph and Jesus’ first family vacation was to Egypt. There were three wise men that made the long journey from the East immediately following Jesus’ birth.
The Gifts of the Magi What’s the symbolism?
The Gifts of the Magi Gold Wealth and royalty
The Gifts of the Magi Gold Frankincense Incense sprinkled on sacrificial offerings
The Gifts of the Magi Gold Frankincense Myrrh Used as an anesthetic and in preparation of bodies for burial
The Gifts of the Magi Gold Frankincense Myrrh Gold – Glorify God Royalty Frankincense For sacrifices Myrrh Preparation of bodies for burial Gold – Glorify God Frankincense - The sweet smell of sacrifice! Myrrh - Death of self
Matthew 3 JST “And he served under his father, and he spake not as other men, neither could he be taught; for he needed not that any man should teach him. And after many years, the hour of his ministry drew nigh.”
John the Baptist Where was Jesus baptized and what is significant about that location?
The Sign of the Holy Ghost The Spirit of God descended like a dove: Matt. 3:16; After Jesus was baptized, the Holy Ghost came down in the form of a dove: 1 Ne. 11:27; I, John, bear record, and lo, the heavens were opened, and the Holy Ghost descended upon him in the form of a dove: D&C 93:15 A prearranged sign by which John the Baptist would recognize the Messiah (John 1:32–34). The sign of the dove was instituted before the creation of the world as a witness for the Holy Ghost; therefore, the devil cannot come in the sign of a dove.
1. A temptation of the appetite 2. A yielding vanity “Now, nearly every temptation that comes to you and me comes in one of those forms. Classify them, and you will find that under one of those three nearly every given temptation that makes you and me spotted, ever so little maybe, comes to us as 1. A temptation of the appetite 2. A yielding vanity 3. A gratifying of the passion, or a desire for the riches of the world” Moses 4:12 “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it became pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make her wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and also gave unto her husband with her, and he did eat.” David O. McKay, 1911 Oct. Gen. Conf.
If YOU are a son/daughter of God, then show it by… 1. What you accomplish/perform 2. How popular you are 3. What you possess
John 2:1-11 First Public Miracle How long does it take to make good wine? How long does it take to make good wine using bad water? David’s kingship Peter’s imprisonment Daniel’s vision Book of Mormon translation (field sowed with gypsum). Elijah escaping from Ahab Isaiah 40:31 Principle: The Lord is a God of acceleration.
Woman at the well Why Jacob’s well? The Abrahamic Covenant is passed on (Gen 28:3-4)
Principles from Jacob’s Well: How badly do we want a blessing? Are you willing to wrestle and struggle to receive it? Why was Jacob’s name changed? Jacob: Supplanter or literally deceitful or insidious Israel: He who prevails with Go Likewise with Abram ("Exalted father"), to Abraham ("Father of a multitude”) Why was his hip dislocated? The Lord might dislocate or discomfort us so we are reminded of the blessings we do have
Come, Follow Me And I will make you fishers of men
Come, Follow Me What might Simon’s own fishing experience have led him to think in this moment? Why would Jesus call them while their nets were full? On a side note, what happened to the fish? What principle is found in the word “Nevertheless”? Circumstances say: NO FISH. Nevertheless says: SO WHAT? Facts say, NO FISH. Nevertheless says… NO FISH...YET! And I will make you fishers of men
Luke 5:12-16 Heals a leper Healings In what ways can leprosy be likened to sin?
Leprosy How to cleanse a Leper Leviticus 13:45-46 And the leper, his clothes shall be rent, and his head bare, and he shall put a covering on and shall cry, Unclean, unclean. He is unclean: he shall dwell alone.
Leprosy How to cleanse a Leper Leviticus 13:45-46 Leviticus 14:1-3 This shall be the law of the leper in the day of his cleansing: He shall be brought unto the priest and the priest shall go forth out of the camp and shall look and behold if the plague of leprosy be healed in the leper…
Leprosy How to cleanse a Leper Leviticus 13:45-46 Leviticus 14:1-3 Hebrews 13:12 “Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.”
Cleansing a Leper Leviticus 14:4 “Then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean, and cedar wood, and scarlet and hyssop.” Why two birds? What two things does Christ help us overcome?
Cedar helps preserve other things from decay and corruption. Cleansing a Leper Leviticus 14:4 “Then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean, and cedar wood, and scarlet and hyssop.” Cedar helps preserve other things from decay and corruption.
Cleansing a Leper Scarlet = A Scarlet Dyed Cloth (Footnote) Leviticus 14:4 “Then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean, and cedar wood, and scarlet and hyssop.” Scarlet = A Scarlet Dyed Cloth (Footnote) Is there an event in Christ’s life that involved a scarlet cloth?
Is there an event in Christ’s life that involved hyssop? Cleansing a Leper Leviticus 14:4 “Then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean, and cedar wood, and scarlet and hyssop.” A purifying plant Is there an event in Christ’s life that involved hyssop?
The Cedar Wood? Hyssop? Scarlet? John 19:29 “Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar: and they filled a sponge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to his mouth.” The Cedar Wood? Hyssop? Scarlet?
Leviticus 14:5 The priest shall command that one of the birds be killed over running water John 19:34 “But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.”
Christ’s bleeding in 7 different areas Leviticus 14:7 “He shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the leprosy seven times, and shall pronounce him clean, and shall let the living bird loose” Christ’s bleeding in 7 different areas His head (Matthew 27:29-30) His sweat (Luke 22:44) His face (Isaiah 50:6) His back (Isaiah 50:6, Matthew 27:26) His hands (Psalms 22:16, John 20:25) His feet (Psalms 22:16) His side (John 19:34)
John 5:2-15 Heals at pool of Bethesda Healings John 5:2-15 Heals at pool of Bethesda Bethesda can be translated as “house of mercy” (Bible Dictionary, “Bethesda”). Why would He ask the man to take up his bed?
Matthew 5
Poor in Spirit (who come unto me) The Sermon on the Mount BEATTITUDE BLESSING PRINCIPLE/ ORDINANCE Poor in Spirit (who come unto me) Kingdom of Heaven Mourn Comfort Meek Inherit the Earth Hunger and Thirst Filled w/ Holy Ghost
Poor in Spirit (who come unto me) The Sermon on the Mount BEATTITUDE BLESSING PRINCIPLE/ ORDINANCE Poor in Spirit (who come unto me) Kingdom of Heaven Faith Mourn Comfort Repentance Meek Inherit the Earth Baptism Hunger and Thirst Filled w/ Holy Ghost Gift of the Holy Ghost 4th AOF
Poor in Spirit (who come unto me) The Sermon on the Mount BEATTITUDE BLESSING PRINCIPLE/ ORDINANCE Poor in Spirit (who come unto me) Kingdom of Heaven Faith Mourn Comfort Repentance Meek Inherit the Earth Baptism Hunger and Thirst Filled w/ Holy Ghost Gift of the Holy Ghost Merciful Obtain Forgiveness Pure in Heart See God Peacemakers Persecuted Rewarded in Heaven 4th AOF
Poor in Spirit (who come unto me) The Sermon on the Mount BEATTITUDE BLESSING PRINCIPLE/ ORDINANCE Poor in Spirit (who come unto me) Kingdom of Heaven Faith Mourn Comfort Repentance Meek Inherit the Earth Baptism Hunger and Thirst Filled w/ Holy Ghost Gift of the Holy Ghost Merciful Obtain Forgiveness Pure in Heart See God Peacemakers Persecuted Rewarded in Heaven 4th AOF D&C 107:18-19 D&C 107:18-19
Poor in Spirit (who come unto me) The Sermon on the Mount BEATTITUDE BLESSING PRINCIPLE/ ORDINANCE Poor in Spirit (who come unto me) Kingdom of Heaven Faith Mourn Comfort Repentance Meek Inherit the Earth Baptism Hunger and Thirst Filled w/ Holy Ghost Gift of the Holy Ghost Merciful Obtain Forgiveness Pure in Heart See God Peacemakers Persecuted Rewarded in Heaven The power and authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood is to hold the keys of all the spiritual blessings of the church— To have the privilege of receiving the mysteries of the kingdom, to have the heavens opened unto them and to enjoy the communion and presence of God the Father, and Jesus the mediator of the new covenant. D&C 107:18-19 D&C 107:18-19
Poor in Spirit (who come unto me) The Sermon on the Mount BEATTITUDE BLESSING PRINCIPLE/ ORDINANCE Poor in Spirit (who come unto me) Kingdom of Heaven Faith Mourn Comfort Repentance Meek Inherit the Earth Baptism Hunger and Thirst Filled w/ Holy Ghost Gift of the Holy Ghost Merciful Obtain Forgiveness Pure in Heart See God Peacemakers Persecuted Rewarded in Heaven 4th AOF D&C 107:18-19 D&C 107:18-19
Matthew 4:23 “And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.”
Teaching and Healing Elder Holland: “What then follows is the masterful Sermon on the Mount, six and a half pages that would take six and a half years to teach properly, I suppose. But the moment that sermon was over, the Savior came down from the mountain and was healing again. In rapid succession He healed a leper, the centurion’s servant, Peter’s mother-in-law, then a group described only as “many that were possessed with devils” (Matt. 8:16). In short, it says, He “healed all that were sick” (Matt. 8:16). “Driven to cross the Sea of Galilee by the crowds that swarmed around Him, He subsequently cast devils out of two who were dwelling in the tombs and then sailed back to “his own city” (Matt. 9:1), where He healed a man confined to bed with palsy, healed a woman with a 12-year issue of blood and raised the ruler’s daughter from the dead. “Then He restored the sight of two blind men, followed by the casting out of a devil which had robbed a man of the ability to speak… and then… this verse:
What’s the similarity between teaching and healing? Matt 9:35 “And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.”
Teaching and Healing Elder Holland: “Let me be a little more specific. As you teach, rather than just giving a lesson, please try a little harder to help that spiritually blind basketball star really see, or that spiritually deaf homecoming queen really hear, or the spiritually lame student body president really walk. Could we try a little harder to fortify others to be truly free from evil? Could we try a little harder to teach so powerfully and so spiritually that we really help that individual who walks alone, who lives alone, who weeps in the dark of the night?”
Teaching and Healing THEAPEUO IAOMAI Therapeuo {ther‑ap‑yoo'‑o}; to heal, cure, restore to health Iaomai {ee‑ah'‑om‑ahee}; to make free from errors and sins, to bring about (one's) salvation THEAPEUO Matthew 12:10 Mark 3:10 Luke 4:23 IAOMAI Matthew 8:13 – Centurions' servant Mark 5:29 – Woman with Issue of Blood Luke 8:47 – Woman taken in Adultery Luke 22:51 – Roman Soldier’s ear
Herod had been rebuked by John for committing adultery with his brother’s wife (Herodius). John was in prison in Macherus, the hottest dryest part of the provience.
Macherus After 1.5 years in prison, Matthew 11:2-3 “When John had heard in prison about the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples and said to Him, “Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?”
He sends a message in Matthew 11:4-6 Luke 7:1 “Now when he had heard these sayings in the audience of the people, he entered into Capernaum.” He sends a message in Matthew 11:4-6 Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. 6 And blessed is he who shall not be offended in me. Machaerus Blessed is the one who doesn’t interpret silence as hate. Blessed is the one who doesn’t confuse ‘unanswered’ as ‘uninterested’.
Mark 6:45-52 What detail is missing? Why? And straightway he constrained his disciples to get into the ship, and when even was come, the ship was in the midst of the sea, and he alone on the land. And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary: and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them. They all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid. And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered. What detail is missing? Why?
Caesarea Phillippi Matt 16:13-19 The Greek word used for Peter is petros, meaning a rock or stone. The Greek word for rock (“upon this rock”) is petra, meaning bedrock. “Thou art Peter [petros, small rock], and upon this rock [petra, bedrock] I will build my church.”
“(1) Jesus singled out Peter, James, and John from the rest of the Twelve “(2) Peter, James, and John, were transfigured (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith], p. 158). . . . “(3) Moses and Elijah . . . appeared on the mountain; and they and Jesus gave the keys of the kingdom to Peter, James, and John. (Teachings, p. 158.) “(4) John the Baptist, previously beheaded by Herod was also present. . . . “(5) Peter, James, and John saw in vision the transfiguration of the earth . . . that is to take place at the Second Coming when the millennial era is ushered in. [ D&C 63:20–21 .] . . . Matt 17:1-9
“(6) Peter, James, and John received their own endowments while on the mountain. ([Joseph Fielding Smith,] Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 2, p. 165.) . . . “(7) Jesus himself was strengthened and encouraged by Moses and Elijah so as to be prepared for the atonement. ([James E. Talmage,] Jesus the Christ, p. 373.) . . . “(8) The apostles were taught in plainness ‘of his death and also his resurrection’ [ JST, Luke 9:31 ]. . . . (Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 1:399–401). Matt 17:1-9
A SYMBOL OF HEAVENLY FATHER PETER Resurrected body The name Simon means “He that hears” He denies Christ (Matt 26:33-35,58,69-75) just before Jesus cries, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Jesus first appearance after Mary is to Peter (Luke 24:32-34) A SYMBOL OF HEAVENLY FATHER
A SYMBOL OF JESUS CHRIST JAMES Resurrected body James means “Supplanter” Jesus’ only recorded brother’s name was James James was beheaded John 20:6-7 James is not invited to prepare the Passover meal (Luke 22:7-8) James does not come to the tomb (John 20:2-4) James is not mentioned at the sea following the resurrection (John 21:6-8) Plays a role in the temple A SYMBOL OF JESUS CHRIST
A SYMBOL OF THE HOLY GHOST JOHN Translated body Brother to James The unnamed disciple Mary’s guardian (John 19:26-27) His nickname is The Revelator Only author to include discourse about Nicodemus and the Holy Ghost (John 3,14-16) His mission is to tarry on the earth (John 21:20-24) Was banished (Revelation 1:9) A SYMBOL OF THE HOLY GHOST
The Good Samaritan Luke 10
Luke 10:30-37: Principles of the Plan of Salvation Down from Jerusalem Thieves Stripped of raiment Wounded Half dead Levite and Priest Oil Wine Beast Inn Host Two pence payment Spending more
The Good Shepherd John 10
The Lord is my shepherd "Chris" the sheep was found wandering in Australia. An average Australian fleece takes approximately 3 minutes to shear and weighs 11 pounds. It took 42 minutes to remove Chris’ fleece, which weighed 89 pounds.
The Lord is my shepherd Australian Sheep
The Lord is my shepherd Chris, before.
The Lord is my shepherd Chris, before.
The Lord is my shepherd Chris, after.
The Lord is my shepherd Chris’ wool
Luke 15:11-32 What gave him courage to return home?
Luke 15:17 "When he came to himself" “In Greek, this expression puts the state of rebellion against God as a kind of mental insanity or madness. The phrase is a wonderful stroke of art, to represent the beginning of the return of a sound consciousness."
John 11
25 Miles DEAD FOR 4 DAYS
The Triumphal Entry John 12
How are you like the colt? Mark 11:1-9
TUESDAY Jesus only cursed one thing during his ministry. What was it? Why? What is the symbolism? Matthew 21:17-20
Matthew 23 The word hypocrite is translated from a Greek word meaning "actor," and refers to one who pretends, exaggerates a part, or is deceitfully inconsistent in his or her actions. Pharisee, outwardly, Hypocrisy, woe, phylacteries, synagogues, Zacharias, chickens, sepulchers,
[Belief (10) – Actions (0)] = you are a 10 on the hypocrisy scale Matthew 23 Hypocrisy = Belief - Actions [Belief (10) – Actions (0)] = you are a 10 on the hypocrisy scale Pharisee, outwardly, Hypocrisy, woe, phylacteries, synagogues, Zacharias, chickens, sepulchers,
[Belief (0) – Actions (10)] = you are a 10 on the hypocrisy scale Matthew 23 Hypocrisy = Belief - Actions [Belief (0) – Actions (10)] = you are a 10 on the hypocrisy scale Pharisee, outwardly, Hypocrisy, woe, phylacteries, synagogues, Zacharias, chickens, sepulchers, Are you a hypocrite?
Matthew 23 “If you define hypocrite as someone who fails to live up perfectly to what he or she believes, then we are all hypocrites. None of us is quite as Christlike as we know we should be. But we earnestly desire to overcome our faults and the tendency to sin. With our heart and soul we yearn to become better with the help of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.” Pharisee, outwardly, Hypocrisy, woe, phylacteries, synagogues, Zacharias, chickens, sepulchers,
Matthew 23 Which doctrines have been misunderstood that have lead to hypocrisy within the church? I testify that God loves each of us—insecurities, anxieties, self-image, and all. He doesn’t measure our talents or our looks; He doesn’t measure our professions or our possessions. He cheers on every runner, calling out that the race is against sin, not against each other. I know that if we will be faithful, there is a perfectly tailored robe of righteousness ready and waiting for everyone, “robes … made … white in the blood of the Lamb.” Pharisee, outwardly, Hypocrisy, woe, phylacteries, synagogues, Zacharias, chickens, sepulchers,
Priesthood Holder Motives & Actions Disciple Hypocrite ACTIONS Natural Man Rebel
Priesthood Holder Motives & Actions
Priesthood Holder Motives & Actions Hypocrite ACTIONS
Priesthood Holder Motives & Actions Hypocrite ACTIONS Rebel
Priesthood Holder Motives & Actions Hypocrite ACTIONS Natural Man Rebel
Priesthood Holder Motives & Actions Disciple* Hypocrite ACTIONS Natural Man Rebel
Priesthood Holder Motives & Actions Disciple* Hypocrite ACTIONS Natural Man Rebel *Not perfect
Matthew 24
Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:4 (TWO QUESTIONS) 1. When will Jerusalem and the temple be destroyed? 2. What is the sign of Jesus Christ’s Second Coming? Jesus Christ addressed the first question in verses 5–21 Jesus Christ addressed the second question in verses 21–55
The Second Coming Timeline of Events Resurrection of the Celestial Appearance in Jerusalem Appearance to the World Righteous Caught Up Adam Ondi Ahman Armageddon Resurrection of the Terrestrial Three Degrees of Glory (O.D.) Signs of the Times Wicked Destroyed Satan Bound Millennium Begins Resurrection of the Telestial Resurrection of the O.D. Final Battle Final Judgment Celestial 1000 years
Matthew 25
Matthew 25 How many were there? How many were wise? How many were foolish? How many had oil? How many had enough oil (in vessels?) How many were sleeping when the bridegroom came? What does the oil represent? D&C 45:56-57 What do the lamps represent? Oil = Conversion through the Holy Ghost Lamps = Testimony of the Gospel What is the symbolism of the marketplace?
Wednesday Matthew 26
Thursday: The Passover Meal Matthew 26 Thursday: The Passover Meal
The Passover How much blood would you have personally place on your door if you were alive for this event?
Our Passover “Do we see our weekly sacramental service as our Passover? With so very much at stake, this ordinance commemorating our escape from the angel of darkness should be taken more seriously than it sometimes is.” Jeffrey R. Holland, Oct. 1995 Gen. Conf.
“The death of the first born got the children of Israel out of Egypt “The death of the first born got the children of Israel out of Egypt. The death of The First Born gets Egypt out of us!”
The Upper Room John 13-17
John 13-17 Washing the feet How would you feel? What is the ‘sandal principle’?
“He's not embarrassed by us, angry at us, or shocked “He's not embarrassed by us, angry at us, or shocked. He wants us in our brokenness, in our unhappiness, in our guilt and our grief.” (Chieko N. Okazaki, Lighten Up, Preface; p. 174)
The Symbolism of Olive Trees This is a Gethsemane Crushing Stone In ancient Israel, olive processing began with first crushing olives in an olive crusher. This is an authentic olive crusher at BYU's Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies.
The Symbolism of Olive Trees This is a Gethsemane An olive mill and an olive press dating from Roman times in Capernaum, Israel.
The olives were placed in burlap bags and flattened by a stone...
Then a huge crushing circular rock was rolled around on top, paced by a mule or an ox…
The Symbolism of Olive Trees Another method used heavy wooden levers or screws twisting beams downward like a winch. A Screw Press A few hundred years after the time of Christ, the screw press was invented. The press beam required a large space to locate it in. A screw press could be located in a smaller confine. This screw press is located in ancient Jewish village of Qatzrin in Galilee.
(Truman G. Madsen, “The Olive Press,” Ensign, Dec 1982, 57) The first liquid to appear is red, followed by the grey-green olive oil we are used to seeing. The Jerusalem Center's Screw Press (Truman G. Madsen, “The Olive Press,” Ensign, Dec 1982, 57)
The Symbolism of Olive Trees The mash sacks are placed under the screw.
The Symbolism of Olive Trees Oil oozes down into the collecting trays. Note in this picture and the next the color of the olive oil is brownish-red nearly resembling blood.
1 Samuel 25 David and Abigail 1 Samuel 25 V 10-14
1 Samuel 25 David and Abigail 1 Samuel 25 V 10-14 And Nabal answered David's servants, and said, Who is David? Shall I then take my bread, and my water, and my flesh that I have killed for my shearers, and give it unto men, whom I know not whence they be? So David's young men turned their way, and went again, and came and told him all those sayings. And David said unto his men, Gird ye on every man his sword; and David also girded on his sword and there went up. But one of the young men told Abigail, Nabal's wife, that he railed on them...
1 Samuel 25 David and Abigail 1 Samuel 25 V 10-14 Cross-reference Eph 4:26, 1 Thes 5:15, 1 Peter 5:7 V 23-25, 28 And when Abigail saw David, she hasted, and lighted off the ass, and fell before David on her face, and bowed herself to the ground, and fell at his feet, and said, Upon me, my lord, upon me let this iniquity be... Let not my lord, I pray thee, regard this man of Belial, even Nabal: Nabal is his name, and folly is with him. I pray thee, forgive the trespass of thine handmaid.
1 Samuel 25 David and Abigail 1 Samuel 25 V 10-14 Cross-reference Eph 4:26, 1 Thes 5:15, 1 Peter 5:7 V 23-25, 28 V 32-33 And David said to Abigail, Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, which sent thee this day to meet me. And blessed be thy advice, and blessed be thou, which hast kept me this day from coming to shed blood...
1 Samuel 25 David and Abigail 1 Samuel 25 V 10-14 Cross-reference Eph 4:26, 1 Thes 5:15, 1 Peter 5:7 V 23-25, 28 V 32-33 Where are ‘you’ in this story? David? Nabal? Abigail? “One young man”?
The Atonement helps in 4 ways: 1. Resurrection 2. Justification 3. Sanctification 4. Enabling Power (Grace)
John 18:5–8 “I am he” “After the Savior said these words, the men and officers ‘went backward, and fell to the ground’ (John 18:6), ‘apparently unable to exercise power over Jesus unless permitted to do so’ (Bruce R. McConkie, Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 1:780). ‘The simple dignity and gentle yet compelling force of Christ’s presence proved more potent than strong arms and weapons of violence’ (James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ, 3rd ed. [1916], 615).
Peter’s Denial
Matthew 27:26 Scourging
Simon of Cyrene Matthew 27:27–32 Where is Cyrene?
Calvary Pilate’s Palace
What do you see?
Besides Jesus’ place of death, what is Golgotha famous for? Genesis 22:2: “Go to the land of Moriah” to offer thy only son Isaac on “one of the mountains.” The hills of Jerusalem were part of the land of Moriah. What is the highest point in this mountain range? Golgotha.
SINS, SACRIFICES, AND OFFERINGS 1 - Presentation of the animal (Leviticus 1:1-3) When did this happen for Christ? 2 - Laying on of hands, transferring sins to the animal (Lev 1:4-5) East of the altar, symbolic of _______________________) 3 - Slaughtering of the animal (Leviticus 1:9-11) on the north end of the altar, symbolic of ____________________). Who kills the animal? 4 - Burning of the sacrifice, followed by a meal (Leviticus 1:12-13) When did this happen for Christ? (hint: it also happens for us) 5 - Sprinkling of blood (Leviticus 1:15) Gethsemane Calvary
Psalms 22:6 But I am a worm, and no man. Remember, David prophesied Jesus’ death Jesus is a worm??? (Hebrew) TOLA’ATH,: “Crimson worm” or “Scarlet worm”. When it is time for the mother Crimson worm to have babies, she finds the trunk of a tree, a wooden fencepost, or a stick. She then attaches her body to that wood and makes a hard crimson shell. She is so strongly and permanently stuck to the wood that the shell can never be removed without tearing her body completely apart and killing her. The Crimson worm then lays her eggs under her body and the protective shell. When the larvae hatch, they stay under the shell. Not only does the mother’s body give protection for her babies, but it also provides them with food – the babies feed on the LIVING body of the mother! After just a few days, when the young worms grow to the point that they are able to take care of themselves, the mother dies. As the mother Crimson worm dies, she oozes a crimson or scarlet red dye which not only stains the wood she is attached to, but also her young children. They are colored scarlet red for the rest of their lives. After three days, the dead mother Crimson worm’s body loses its crimson color and turns into a white wax which falls to the ground like snow. (Scarlet, Crimson, Snow, and Wool, New Era, Feb 2016) Psalms 22:6 But I am a worm, and no man.
Ironies of Christ’s Life and Death How much was Jesus sold for? What is ironic about the price? (Matthew 27:9 - Exodus 21:32) What is ironic about Judas’ name? (Genesis 37:26) Jesus was sinless, yet he:_____________________ Jesus was the Son of God, yet was arrested for:________ Jesus hung naked on cross, yet he provided:___________
How many resurrections are there?
Was Jesus the only person to be resurrected? Matthew 27:52–53
Resurrection “We have not the ordinance and the keys of the resurrection. They will be given to those who have passed off; they will be ordained by those who hold the keys of the resurrection, to go forth and resurrect the Saints just as we receive the ordinance of baptism. This is one of the ordinances we cannot receive here, and there are many more.” Discourses of Brigham Young, pp. 397-398. See also Spencer W. Kimball, "Our Great Potential," in CR April 1977, pp. 69-72
Resurrection “I buried my mother when I was eleven, my father when I was in my early twenties. I have missed my parents much. If I had the power of resurrection as did the Savior, I would have been tempted to try to have kept them longer. We do not know of anyone who can resurrect the dead as did Jesus. This is a power to create, to organize, to control native elements. How limited we are now!” (President Spencer W. Kimball, April 1977 General Conference)
What can we do in the Spirit World?
What can we do in the Spirit World? “The brightness and glory of the next apartment is inexpressible. They move with ease and like lightning. If we want to visit Jerusalem, I presume we will be permitted - there we are, looking at its streets. Or if we want to see the Garden of Eden as it was when created, there we are. We may behold the earth as at the dawn of creation, or we may visit any city we please that exists upon its surface.” (Discourses of Brigham Young, p.380-381)
What can we do in the Spirit World? “Each release of a righteous individual from this life is also a call to new labors. Therefore, though we miss the departed righteous so much here, hundreds may feel their touch their. One day, those hundreds will thank the bereaved for gracefully forgoing the extended association with choice individuals here, in order that they could help hundreds there.” (Neal A. Maxwell, Not Withstanding My Weakness, 55).
How will the final judgment work?
Final Judgment “In the final day, all men will stand before the bar of God in a final day of judgment. The eventual destiny of all men will have been determined before that day.” Bruce R. McConkie, The Millennial Messiah, p.515
Final Judgment “When he does judge us, I feel he will take all things into consideration: our genetic and chemical makeup, our mental state, our intellectual capacity, the teachings we have received, the traditions of our fathers, our health, and so forth.” M. Russell Ballard, “Suicide: Some Things We Know, and Some We Do Not,” Ensign, Oct. 1987, p. 8
What blessings will be restored when we are resurrected?
Resurrection “One day loved ones whom we knew to have disabilities in mortality will stand before us glorified and grand, breathtakingly perfect in body and mind. What a thrilling moment that will be! I do not know whether we will be happier for ourselves that we have witnessed such a miracle or happier for them that they are fully perfect and finally ‘free at last.’” Jeffrey R. Holland, October 2013 General Conference
What will our bodies look like?
Resurrected Bodies “President Joseph F. Smith said people will come forth "even to the wounds in the flesh. Not that a person will always be marred by scars, for these will be removed in their course, in their proper time...” Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation 2:293-294.
Resurrected Bodies “It is true that Christ showed His wounds to the Nephites to give to them a witness of his suffering. [3 Ne 11:10-17.] These wounds have remained in his hands, side, and feet all through the centuries from the time of his crucifixion and will remain until after his Second Coming.” Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation 2:290-292.
In what ways will we look different after we are resurrected?
The Beauty of the Resurrection “In both of the (lower) kingdoms there will be changes in the bodies and limitations. They will not have the power of increase, neither the power or nature to live as husbands and wives, for this will be denied them and they cannot increase. Some of the functions in the celestial body will not appear. I take it that men and women will, in these kingdoms, be merely immortal beings having received the resurrection. ” Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 2:288-289
The Beauty of the Resurrection “We bear the image of our earthly parents, but by…the holy resurrection, we shall put on the image of the heavenly, in beauty, glory, power and goodness. Brigham Young, Discourses of Brigham Young, p.374 “There is nothing grander that I can imagine than a resurrected body.” Lorenzo Snow, 5 October 1900, CR, p. 4; Teachings of Lorenzo Snow, p.99
SUNDAY John 20:1-8
John 20:11-18
Touch me not? “The King James Version quotes Jesus as saying ‘Touch me not.’ The Joseph Smith Translation reads ‘Hold me not.’ Various translations from the Greek render the passage as ‘Do not cling to me’ or ‘Do not hold me.’ Some give the meaning as ‘Do not cling to me any longer,’ or ‘Do not hold me any longer.’ Some speak of ceasing to hold him or cling to him, leaving the inference that Mary was already holding him. There is valid reason for supposing that the thought conveyed to Mary by the Risen Lord was to this effect: ‘You cannot hold me here, for I am going to ascend to my Father’” (The Mortal Messiah, 4 vols. [1979–81], 4:264).
153 John 21
“Why are you here? Why are we back on this same shore, by these same nets, having this same conversation? Wasn’t it obvious then and isn’t it obvious now that if I want fish, I can get fish? “What I need are disciples—and I need them forever. I need someone to feed my sheep and save my lambs. I need someone to preach my gospel and defend my faith. I need someone who loves me, truly, truly loves me, and loves what our Father in Heaven has commissioned me to do... “Did you think that this work could be killed simply by killing me? Did you think the cross and the nails and the tomb were the end of it all and each could blissfully go back to being whatever you were before? Did not my life and my love touch you?”
“I will be very surprised if at some point God does not ask us exactly what Christ asked Simon Peter: “Did you love me?” And if at such a moment we can stammer out, “Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee,” then He may remind us that the crowning characteristic of love is always loyalty.” (Elder Holland, October 2012 General Conference).
What name did Jesus use in this story? What does ‘Peter’ mean? (rock) What does ‘Simon’ mean? (pebble) What name did Jesus use in this story? Why did Jesus light a small fire? Hint: There are only two fires mentioned in the life of Jesus – both with Simon Peter. When were they lit?
Do you have any fish in your life? 153 Never wear an “I'm going fishing” tshirt Do you have any fish in your life?
How long after did Jesus appear in the Americas? 3 Nephi 11
The Great White God
Similarities between Quetzalcoatl and Christ He was born of a virgin named Chimalma. He was the God of the Morning Star. He invented books, the calendar, and gave corn to the people. He was a symbol of death and resurrection. He created a new world inhabited by people that were brought to life with his blood. The blood came from wounds on his body. He was the god of the Aztec Priesthood. He was white and had a beard. He came from the sky, and when he left he promised to return.
“It is a significant and hopeful fact that it is the wounded Christ who comes to our rescue. He who bears the scars of sacrifice, the lesions of love, the emblems of humility and forgiveness is the Captain of our Soul. That evidence of pain in mortality is undoubtedly intended to give courage to others who are also hurt and wounded by life, perhaps even in the house of their friends.” (Jeffrey R. Holland, Christ and the New Covenant, 259).
Are you doing this in your quorum or class or family? 3 Nephi 17:25 “God loves us one by one” (Alexander B. Morrison, Ensign, May 1992, 14). Are you doing this in your quorum or class or family?
The Original Foundation (Organization) Peter Andrew, Peter’s brother James, son of Zebedee John, James’ brother Philip Bartholomew Thomas Matthew James, son of Alphaeus Thaddeus Simon the Cananean Judas Iscariot
Apostacy Which doctrine did Satan first attack at the onset of apostacy? Hint: Which doctrine did God first restore at the onset of restoration?
The Restoration
Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith The Smith Family
Joseph Smith Martin Harris The Smith Family
Emma Smith Joseph Smith Martin Harris The Smith Family
Joseph Smith Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family
Joseph Smith Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family
Joseph Smith Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Oliver Cowdery
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Oliver Cowdery David Whitmer
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Oliver Cowdery David Whitmer The Whitmer Family
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Oliver Cowdery David Whitmer Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Oliver Cowdery David Whitmer Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Oliver Cowdery David Whitmer Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Samuel Smith Oliver Cowdery David Whitmer Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Samuel Smith Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene David Whitmer Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Samuel Smith Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young David Whitmer Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Samuel Smith Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young David Whitmer Brigham Young Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Samuel Smith Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young David Whitmer Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. William Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. William Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Isaac Morley Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. William Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Isaac Morley Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. A. Sidney Gilbert William Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Isaac Morley Newell K. Whitney Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. A. Sidney Gilbert William Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Isaac Morley Newell K. Whitney Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. A. Sidney Gilbert Orson Hyde William Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight John Johnson Family Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Joseph Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Isaac Morley Newell K. Whitney Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. A. Sidney Gilbert Orson Hyde William Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight John Johnson Family Joseph Knight Rosetta Snow Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Joseph Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Isaac Morley Newell K. Whitney Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. A. Sidney Gilbert Orson Hyde William Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight John Johnson Family Joseph Knight Lenora Snow Rosetta Snow Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Joseph Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Isaac Morley Newell K. Whitney Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. A. Sidney Gilbert Orson Hyde William Hyde
Joseph Smith Newell Knight John Johnson Family Eliza R. Snow Joseph Knight Lenora Snow Rosetta Snow Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Joseph Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Isaac Morley Newell K. Whitney Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. A. Sidney Gilbert Orson Hyde William Hyde
Joseph Smith Lorenzo Snow Newell Knight John Johnson Family Eliza R. Snow Joseph Knight Lenora Snow Rosetta Snow Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Joseph Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Isaac Morley Newell K. Whitney Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. A. Sidney Gilbert Orson Hyde William Hyde
Organization of the Church Jesus Christ Prophet Frist Presidency 12 Apostles C.E.S. General Auxiliaries Presidency of Seventy Presiding Bishop Seventy Temple President Area Seventy Mission President Stake President District President Branch President High Council Stake Auxiliaries Bishop Patriarch Elders Quorum Pres HP Group Leader Ward Council Aaronic Priesthood Elders Quorum HP Group Families
Modern Day Witnesses
HE LIVES! “The 12 disciples of Christ are supposed to be ear and eye witnesses of the divine mission of Jesus Christ. It is not permissible for them to say, “I believe...” It must be with them as if they had seen with their eyes and heard with their ears that they know.” (Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine)
7/7/2019 3:36 PM “In the large corridor leading into the celestial room, I was walking several steps ahead of grand- pa when he stopped me and said: “Wait a moment, Allie, I want to tell you something. It was right here that the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to me at the time of the death of President Woodruff. Then grand-pa came a step nearer and held out his left hand and said: “He stood right here, about three feet above the floor. It looked as though He stood on a plate of solid gold. “Grand-pa described His hands, feet, countenance and beautiful white robes, all of which were of such a glory of whiteness and brightness that he could hardly gaze upon Him. Then grand-pa said: “Now, grand-daughter, I want you to remember that this is the testimony of your grand-father, who actually saw the Savior, here in the Temple, and talked with Him face to face”’ Alice Pond, in LeRoi C. Snow, “An Experience of My Father’s,” Improvement Era, Sept. 1933, 677]” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Lorenzo Snow [2012], 238–39) © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
HE LIVES! “There is no truth or fact of which I am more assured, or to know better by personal experience, than the truth of the literal resurrection of our Lord.” (Ezra Taft Benson, Dec 1980 New Era)
HE LIVES! “I want to leave you with my witness. I know as I live that Jesus lives. I shall not know this better in the not-too-distant future when I shall stand before the Lord to give an account of my work in mortality.” (Marion G. Romney, CR Oct 1978)
HE LIVES! “I know that God lives. I know that Jesus Christ lives, said John Taylor, my predecessor, “for I have seen him.” I bear you this testimony.” (Spencer W. Kimball, CR April 1978)
HE LIVES! “I understand that the chief requirement for the holy apostleship is to be a personal witness of Jesus as the Christ. Perhaps on that basis alone, I can qualify” (James E. Faust, CR Oct 1978)
HE LIVES! “I had the opportunity to be all alone in that upper room of the temple, to get onto my knees and to pour out my heart and soul to my Heavenly Father. I had an event happen to me at that time that I may witness and testify to you that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, that He lives - that he lives - that he is real.” (David B. Haight, BYU Speeches, 1977)
HE LIVES! “I witness that this is the Lord’s church. He presides over it and is close to his servants. He is not an absentee Master; of that you can be assured.” (Ezra Taft Benson, Address to Religious Educators, Sept 17, 1976)
Their words are my words.” HE LIVES! “Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon recorded: ‘And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives! For we saw him’ (D&C 76:22–23). Their words are my words.” (Boyd K. Packer, Ensign, April 2014)
HE LIVES! “We do not talk of those sacred interviews that qualify the servants of the Lord to bear a witness of Him, for we have been commanded not to do so.” (Boyd K. Packer, CR Ap 1980)
HE LIVES! “I have heard one of the brethren declare, ‘I know from experiences too sacred to share that Jesus is the Christ’. I have only one qualification as an apostle and that is, I have that witness. ” (Boyd K. Packer, CR April 1971)
HE LIVES! “I have a perfect knowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he was crucified for the sins of the world.” (Bruce R. McConkie, CR October 1972)
HE LIVES! “My testimony of the risen Lord is just as real as Tomas’. I know that he lives.” (David O. McKay, CR 1968)
HE LIVES! “I bear my witness to you this morning. There are some witnesses I cannot give now, perhaps sometime later. Many things are too sacred to share at this time. I have received a witness that I cannot or dare not deny. When I see Jesus, I cannot mistake His identity. I know that He lives!” Harold B. Lee, Teachings of Harold B. Lee (Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft, 1996), 636
HE LIVES! “I don't know just how to answer people when they ask the question, "Have you seen the Lord?" I think that the witness that I have and the witness that each of us has, and the details of how it came, are too sacred to tell. I have never told anybody some of the experiences I have had, not even my wife. I know that God lives. I not only know that he lives, but I know him.” Marion G. Romney, cited in F. Burton Howard, Marion G. Romney: His Life and Faith (Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft, 1988), 222.
HE LIVES! “Visions do happen. Voices are heard from beyond the veil. I know this.” Dallin H. Oaks, "Teaching and Learning by the Spirit," Ensign (March 1997), 14
HE LIVES! “I am grateful that I know as surely as did the Apostles Peter, James, and John that Jesus is the Christ, our risen Lord.” Henry B. Eyring, "Witnesses for God," Ensign (November 1996), 30
HE LIVES! “I know that God lives. I know that Jesus lives; for I have seen Him” - George Q. Cannon quoted by Spencer W. Kimball, Ensign (May 1974): 119; George Q. Cannon talk given on 6 October 1896, published in Deseret News Semi–Weekly (27 October 1896); Gospel Truth (vol. 1, iv, 1st edition, 1957, compiled by Jerreld L. Newquist).
7/7/2019 3:36 PM He Lives! © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Sweet Symbols of the Savior BROTHERERIC Richards @Brotherichards @Brotherichards @Brotherichards Got questions? Have a story to share? Need a speaker for a Fireside or Youth Conference? eric@brotherichards.com