California Community Colleges ransfer and etention of rban ommunity ollege tudents California Community Colleges Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD)- Largest district in the Nation In 1997 less than 3% transferred to the CSU system or the UC Institutions At the 9 LACCD Campuses Over ½ are over the age of 25 and female Over ¾ are ethnic minorities 81% are focused on transfer, attaining an AA degree or completing vocational and technical training
Sampling Plan Target 296 classrooms across 9 campuses Visited 241 classrooms 2 to 56 students per class (average 21 students/class) Enrollment = 9,695 Sample=5,000 25 English 21 41 English 28 57 English 101 49 Other transfer level courses 55 Occupational courses 10 Developmental courses
Years in the LACCD
Impediments to goal completion A qualitative analysis