HISTORY: The first honor flight took place when Earl Morse took Leonard Loy to Washington DC in May 2005.
Honor Flight started with 6 airplanes and 12 veterans
In the beginning, it was very easy to get all of the veterans in a photo
Now, we can barely fit everyone in the picture. September 14, 2010
“The Greatest Generation.” On 29 May 2004, President Bush dedicated the World War II Memorial to honor “The Greatest Generation.”
About 1,200 members of “The Greatest Generation” die each day. The average life expectancy for an American male is about 74.4 years. The YOUNGEST WWII veteran is over 80 years old.
Sky-rocketing healthcare costs have wiped out the life savings of many WW II Veterans. Most WW II Veterans now lack the finances, physical strength, endurance, and aptitude to travel alone outside of the local area. Most elderly veterans have elderly spouses that can not be left alone for more than one day.
In another 5 to 10 years, almost all of our WWII Veterans will be gone. The overwhelming majority of WWII Veterans have waited over 60 years for a memorial that most of them will NOT live to see.
Our Purpose: To fly America's veterans to Washington DC to visit those memorials that have been dedicated to honor the service and sacrifices of themselves and their friends. First Flight: May 10, 2011 Second Flight: May 17, 2011 Third Flight: Sept. ??, 2011 Fourth Flight: May ??, 2012
A Way to Honor Our Special Veterans
Honor Flight Priorities World War II Veterans and any terminally ill Korean or Vietnam Veteran who has never visited their memorial. Korean War Veterans Vietnam Veterans All others
Honor Flights are now flown solely using large commercial aircraft, flying out and back the same day.
June 2010 Orientation in Hiawatha Eastern Iowa Honor Flight is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. Financial donations may be tax deductible. Guardians (assisting the vets) pay their own expenses ($550)
Honor Flight Applications are accepted & processed on a first come, first served basis. The Honor Flight Network now has 98 hubs in the U.S. Over 20,000 WWII Veterans have been flown out and back SAFELY! (Number still growing as other flights take place.) Over 6,000 still on the National waiting list.
So what IS the cost to a WWII veteran for the following? ~Roundtrip airfare ~Round-trip Deluxe motor coach transportation from airport to memorials ~Meals (lunch and dinner) ~Wheel chair, oxygen ~Honor Flight Polo-Shirt, Hat, Dog Tag and Jewel of the Mall book ANY GUESSES ??????
It’s 100% FREE! In our opinion, given what they’ve done, and how long they’ve waited………. …they’ve earned this. WWII Merle Pulliam, in France, 82 years old, died before the flight. Bradley Courthouse: First Quad City soldier killed in Iraq. …they deserve this.
What do we need? Your financial support as we organize, grow and plan Volunteers to arrange send off and arrival events at airport, data entry, organizing applications, making phone calls, and much more. Guardians to assist veterans on upcoming flights, and beyond…
What we need: Funding for future flights Donations accepted from everyone EXCEPT WWII Veterans… They have given enough.
SHD Post 730 Honor Flight Donations or Sponsorships needed to help cover charter, food, motor coach costs. $250 feeds 40 veterans a box lunch (Arby’s) $550 will sponsor a veteran for the day. $1,300 will pay for a motor coach Larger Business or Corporate donations to be Key Sponsors for future Waterloo flights.
SHD Honor Flights receives NO Government Funding! In Waterloo the following is a sample list of generous donors: ?? Hy-Vee Dept. of Iowa, American Legion and VFW Posts Medicom The Waterloo (alo) Airport
“We can’t all be heroes. Some of us get to stand on the curb and clap as they go by.” -Will Rogers
The various monument engravings offer so much history to read about- as stated by our forefathers…..
Please download an application today! -Volunteer -Guardian -Veteran www.SHDPost730WaterlooHonorFlight.org
Board of Directors Craig White, Blackhawk County Supervisor Operations Dir. *Veteran Janet Liming, Board Member Frank Magsmen, Blackhawk County Supervisor Board Member *Veteran David Grimm Board Member Danny McGowin Board Member *Veteran Lee Bedore Board Member *Veteran Randy Herod Board Member Randy Miller Board Member Joe Woodhouse, Retired Deere and Co. Board Member *Veteran Mary Clapp, RN, BSN,OCN EI Director (assisting) *Veteran
Website www.SHDPost730HonorFlight.org Local Area Contacts Website www.SHDPost730HonorFlight.org Ms. Janet Liming Email: Veterans@SHDPost730WaterlooHonorFlight.org Phone: 319-342-4667 Mr. Craig White Email: Whitedog67@q.com Phone: 319-342-4667