Flashback 10-16-12 The number of real solutions of the equation sin(x) = cos(x) + 2 is: 1 2 3 the equation does not have any real solutions the equation has an infinity of real solutions
Teacher: log C + log A + log B + log I + log N = ??? Joke of the day Teacher: log C + log A + log B + log I + log N = ???
Student: log CABIN
12 Basic functions Presentations: Present all of the information on your sheet to the class. Audience: You are responsible to write down all of the information presented.
Function Assignments- Period 2 Name Function Greatest integer Function Cubing function Identity function Squaring Function Absolute value function Reciprocal function Sine function Square root function Exponential growth function Basic Logistic function Cosine function Natural Logarithm function Greatest Integer function (can work with Corey) Absolute Value function (can work with Bethany) Cobb, Corey M Duncan, Robert S Gibson, Michaela M Jacobs, Samantha L Johnson, Bethany Kent, Zachary O Maddox, Kayla N Neal, Keirsten B Reed, Madison S Schidecker, Talmon J Sutton, Hunter F Townsend, Christopher D Tyler, Ashley K Williams, Ashley N
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