NCB Club Seminar Tuesday 28th April 2015
NCB Club Seminar Tuesday 28th April 2015 Programme for the evening: Welcome & introductions Retaining your players Get the Game on – Jane Hannah Funding – preparing your bid Funding options
NCB Club Seminar Tuesday 28th April 2015 Player Retention Players are leaving the game – 7% reduction Nationally Lower number in Norfolk (around 3%) BUT… We all know that clubs are struggling to field teams Some players are playing less often 79% of players are Satisfied with the cricket they play That still means 2.3 players in each team are NOT satisfied – Why?
NCB Club Seminar Tuesday 28th April 2015 Player Retention Group Discussion, 10 minutes: “What problems do you face as a club in retaining players” Followed by feedback from groups
Snapshot on a page (A collection of useful statistics from the dashboard) How many players… How satisfied players are… How many people play cricket? What is the overall satisfaction 7.9 7.8 (Total Market Size ONLY) score of cricketers? What is the most popular other sport Football What is the Net Promoter Score? 55% 48% played by cricketers? 49% 47% (% of Promoters-% of Detractors) How many cricketers attend 60% 72% How many cricketers would like 66% 68% International fixtures? to play more? 42% Satisfaction levels of game day factors? Domestic fixtures? Challenging Opposition 89% 90% On game day, what players think… Spirit of the Game 87% 88% What is the average All Market Segments Travel Distance 83% 84% cost of a season? £268 £304 Pitch Quality 77% 75% What is the average cost breakdown? Umpire Quality 61% 65% Equipment £128 £137 How many cricketers are enjoying 44% 40% Membership £32 £59 playing cricket more now than last season? Match Fees (Per Match) £6 £7 Things to watch out for… Travel Costs (Per Match) £8 How many cricketers say cost is 22% 28% How many cricketers are happy with the a barrier to playing? format they play? How many cricketers say they struggle to 50% 85% 79% balance cricket with other commitments? time their matches start? What is the average age people 12 11 81% 73% start playing cricket? time their matches end? How many cricketers are planning to 1% Other useful things… NOT play next season? How many cricketers have had formal 39% coaching in the last 2 years? How many value coaching as a means to developing skils?
NCB Club Seminar Tuesday 28th April 2015 Norfolk Local Questions From National Player Survey 2014 Some pointers from the players.
Formats The win/lose format is the most popular format among Norfolk cricketers Doesn’t matter Win, lose or draw Win/lose Bar on side Source: 2014 Data Question: What format of cricket would you prefer in the league you play in most often: (n=277)
T20 cricket 81% There is latent demand for T20 in the county across all age groups of players would like to see a T20 competition in Norfolk 2948 Source: 2014 Data Question: Would you like to see a T20 competition introduced in the County? (n=277)
57% of players interested in playing T20 would prefer midweek games T20 cricket Of the 81% interested in T20, over half want to play midweek 57% of players interested in playing T20 would prefer midweek games Midweek Saturday 2948 Sunday Source: 2014 Data Question: When would be your preferred day for games? (n=221)
Regional leagues Players are interested in regionalising leagues in the county 64% 64% of players are interested in regionalising leagues in Norfolk 84% Among players that are dissatisfied/very dissatisfied with current travel times, this figure increases to 84% Two circles Source: 2014 Data Question: Would you support your division in Saturday league cricket being regionalised to reduce travelling times to matches? (n=275)
of players are interested in playing more indoor cricket There is demand for more indoor cricket 40% of players are interested in playing more indoor cricket Sideways bar Slice by age Source: 2014 Data Question: Please select the most appropriate option for you to finish this statement: “In relation to indoor cricket, I...” (n=277)
51% of under 25s are interested in playing more indoor cricket Younger players are more interested in indoor cricket 51% of under 25s are interested in playing more indoor cricket Sideways bar Slice by age Source: 2014 Data Question: Please select the most appropriate option for you to finish this statement: “In relation to indoor cricket, I...” (n=277)
NCB Club Seminar Tuesday 28th April 2015 Player Retention Group discussion (10 minutes): “What are the potential solutions to help retain players at my club?” Feedback from groups…
NCB Club Seminar Tuesday 28th April 2015 Player Retention Consider Understanding your players – what do they want? Offering a range of ‘products’ to meet their needs Enhance the ‘Quality’ of their cricket experience Improve facilities, especially fine turf! Influencing your league if necessary to offer the right format Look after your young players beyond U15 Offer coaching for older players as well as youth players Make Families welcome Maintain good member records – you can communicate then with current and even lapsed players.
NCB Club Seminar Tuesday 28th April 2015
NCB Club Seminar Tuesday 28th April 2015 Funding – preparing your bid Speak to the NCB! We have secured nearly £1.5m in 6 years for local cricket Have a clear idea of what your project is and aims to achieve Have a clear Club Development Plan Ensure the project is ‘spade ready’.
NCB Club Seminar Tuesday 28th April 2015 Funding – preparing your bid (cont) Is your project eligible for the fund you are applying to? Check the funders criteria – do their aims match your project aims? Check minimum amounts and any partnership funding required ‘Sell’ your project. If you don’t believe in it, the funder won’t! Be clear on the costs of your project Is there any Evidence to support the need for your project? If in doubt speak to the funder
NCB Club Seminar Tuesday 28th April 2015 Funding options Sport England Small Grants Inspired Facilities Protecting Playing Fields Norfolk Community Foundation Local Authorities & Parish Council Local Supermarkets Active Norfolk
NCB Club Seminar Tuesday 28th April 2015 Funding options (cont) Geoffrey Watling Trust Tesco Community Grants / Awards Co-operative Community Fund Garfield Weston Foundation Landfill Communities Fund (Wren, Biffa, Veolia) ECB Small Grants (2016?) Use GrantNet and Funding Central.