Belowground microbiome community responses. Belowground microbiome community responses. (A) Shannon diversity index (H) for OTUs with >0.01% relative abundance in the root compartment. (B) Shannon diversity index (H) for OTUs with >0.01% relative abundance in the rhizosphere compartment (ctrl, control; cu, copper; dr, drought; sh, shade). (C) Weighted UniFrac PCoA of root communities showing clustering of communities by condition. (D) Weighted UniFrac PCoA of rhizosphere communities showing clustering of communities by condition. (E) Bacterial OTUs upregulated (blue) or downregulated (dn.; orange) in response to stress in the root microbiome, with distance-based clusters identified by using the hclust and dynamic tree cut packages in R. (F) Bacterial OTUs up- or downregulated in response to stress in the rhizosphere, with distance-based clusters identified by using the hclust and dynamic tree cut functions in R. Collin M. Timm et al. mSystems 2018; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00070-17