Mal, Male = Bad; Abnormal;Worse ROOT WORDS Mal, Male = Bad; Abnormal;Worse
Dismal Depressing; causing gloom or misery; causing bad feelings
Malady Bad health; illness; sickness
Malaria Bad air; a disease usually spread by infected mosquitoes.
Malefactor An evildoer; a person who does bad things.
Malevolent A word that describes a person or character who wishes bad things would happen to others.
Malfeasance Wrongdoing or bad conduct by a public official.
Malice Mischief; evil intent; bad will
Malignant Harmful; something bad enough that it could result in death when related to cancer.
Malnourished Having bad health or poor nutrition.
Malodorous Bad smell; stinky
The End!!! Take your grammar folders home on Thursday to study for your test on Friday!