2012-2013 CDCKI Membership Development and Education Committee Introduce yourself and any guests present. Ask participants to complete tent cards with their name and club. Have all participants introduce themselves by name, club, and position. Refer to Participant’s Credo. Participants should read it. Ask for questions. 2012-2013 CDCKI Membership Development and Education Committee
CKI: The Dates The Circle K International concept was introduced at Washington State University in 1936. The first Circle K Club was founded in 1947 at Carthage College in Illinois. CKI gained international status in 1949 with the establishment of the University of Western Ontario. In 1971, women were allowed into the organization. Highlight agenda topics. Note that there will be breaks and refreshments included as well.
CKI: Where and What? Circle K International has over 12,000 members in 500 clubs in 18 different countries. Three tenets: Service: The essence of Circle K International is service. It is what makes CKI different from all other clubs and organizations on campus. Leadership: The great ability to lead gives CKI members the ability to be even more active in their communities Fellowship: Through leading and serving, CKI members meet people from all walks of life. Vocalize objectives with all participants.
Live to Serve, Love to Serve. CKI: Motto Live to Serve, Love to Serve. Discuss expectations with participants. Comment on need for input and active participation.
Top Five Reasons to Join (And Stay in!) CKI The People! While in CKI, you’ll meet some of your greatest friends. The Service! Make a difference in lives in your local community, as well as those abroad. Opportunities! With conferences, conventions, service projects, socials, meetings and so much more, there is always something new and exciting to do! Well Known Partners! CKI partners with many organizations, such as Students Team Up to Fight Hunger (STUFH), UNICEF, Better World Books, and March of Dimes. This makes CKI more awesome and helps us make a difference in the world. The Impact! You have an amazing opportunity to change the lives of those less fortunate while impacting your own life. A common vision can unite a group. Leadership plays a main role in setting the vision for the club. An agenda and plan will steer the group in the right direction and keep them on their path. Leadership must be able to follow through on projects and job responsibilities, and provide enthusiasm for all tasks, even the most mundane. Leadership must be able to maintain strong lines of communication, while relying on its skills to motivate groups of people and individuals towards a common goal. It is important that all club leaders are on the same page. This means they’re all informed and aware of club events. A leadership team only functions through cooperation, with all officers working together. Conflicts will arise, but it is important that through these conflicts, even internal ones, the group maintains a cohesive front. Leading by example is one of the best models of responsible leadership. A leader who also is a doer shows commitment.