Studies in Philippians(19) We are the Circumcision Philippians 3:3-7
Previously Paul is challenging these brethren to shine as lights in the midst of this crooked and perverse generation His hope was that they stand fast so that in the day of Christ (judgment), he will rejoice, knowing he has not labored in vain Therefore, he challenged them to rejoice, but beware. Tonight, we see why
We are the circumcision What is circumcision? It was a physical act (procedure) that established a covenant between God and Abraham, and his descendants Genesis 17:9-14, esp. 11-12 The act of circumcision was an acceptance of that covenant. To be done the 8th day after a male was born Genesis 17:23-27 – Abraham complied immediately
We are the circumcision What is circumcision? Part of the LOM, superseding even the Sabbath Leviticus 12:2-3, cf. John 7:22 Both John and Jesus were circumcised, Luke 1:59, 2:21 To fail to comply was to be cut off from the people. Became a major source of contention when Gentiles became Christians – NOT necessary
Spiritual Israel We are the circumcision (true circumcision – NASB) Romans 2:28-29 Galatians 6:15 The LOM was nailed to the cross – Ephesians 2:14-16, Colossians 2:13-14 How are we “circumcised” today? Colossians 2:11-12
Spiritual Israel The idea of “the circumcision” (3:3) We are the ones who belong to Christ. We have “cut off” the sinful flesh (the ways of the world). We are the ‘TRUE’ covenant people of God today – those who follow Christ, rather than the LOM
We worship God in the Spirit John 4:24 How are we the true circumcision? (3:3) We worship God in the Spirit John 4:24 Spirit – can have reference to our demeanor, heart – 1 Corinthians 11:27-28, 14:15, Ephesians 5:19, 2 Corinthians 9:6-7, etc. Equally, it can be the Holy Spirit – (“Spirit of God” NASB) – John 16:13, 14:26, Romans 8:5 He guides us through His word, etc. Contextually, the later fits better (contrast with physical circumcision)
We rejoice in Christ Jesus (glory in – NASB) How are we the true circumcision? (3:3) We rejoice in Christ Jesus (glory in – NASB) A word meaning to take pride or boast in. We are not ashamed of Him And thus we rejoice – as Paul emphasized throughout this letter
We have no confidence in the flesh How are we the true circumcision? (3:3) We have no confidence in the flesh Some Jewish converts of the first century had a problem with this. Would not let go of LOM and demanded Gentiles comply. Why? Galatians 6:12-14 We have no confidence in the flesh – Colossians 3:2, Romans 8:1, 2 Corinthians 5:7
Though I also might have confidence in the flesh Paul’s “confidence” in the flesh (3:4-6) Though I also might have confidence in the flesh Circumcised the 8th day Paul’s parents had complied with the LOM in this. From childhood, he was reared as a devout Jew.
Of the stock of Israel, or “Nation of Israel” (NASB) Paul’s “confidence” in the flesh (3:4-6) Of the stock of Israel, or “Nation of Israel” (NASB) Of true lineage that could be traced back . Israel – the name given to Jacob by God Himself (Genesis 32:28)
Established in the religion and heritage Paul’s “confidence” in the flesh (3:4-6) A Hebrew of Hebrews, Established in the religion and heritage He followed the Law and knew it well – patriotic to the nation Educated at feet of Gamaliel (Acts 22:3) He took it seriously – spoke Hebrew (Acts 22:1-2) His upbringing was as a Jew.
Concerning the Law, a Pharisee, Paul’s “confidence” in the flesh (3:4-6) Concerning the Law, a Pharisee, Pharisees were the “strictest sect” of the Jews (Acts 26:5) They were meticulous, legalistic keepers of the Law (to the point of binding their interpretations and traditions) NOTE: The Pharisees were NEVER condemned for strict adherence to the Law (cf. Matthew 23:23). It was their corruption, hypocrisy and additions
Concerning zeal, persecuting the church He now turns to actions Paul’s “confidence” in the flesh (3:4-6) Concerning zeal, persecuting the church He now turns to actions He was serious as a Jew. He saw “Christianity” as a threat to Jewish life and took action Never half-hearted Galatians 1:13-14, Acts 8:2-3, 26:9-11
Concerning righteousness, blameless Paul’s “confidence” in the flesh (3:4-6) Concerning righteousness, blameless Did Paul make mistakes and have flaws as a Jew? Yes! (Cf. Romans 7:23-25) But there was NO question about his faithfulness to the cause
Concerning righteousness, blameless Paul’s “confidence” in the flesh (3:4-6) Concerning righteousness, blameless By whose standard are we blameless? We must seek to be righteous before God Romans 10:1-3 Matthew 6:33, Romans 1:16-17 Paul was “righteous”, but he was still lost!
Paul’s reaction (3:7) But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss… Paul was “going places” in this world, BUT he gave it all up for Christ! IF we are to shine as lights in this dark world, we too must view the world in this light.
True Circumcision Phil. 3:4-7 What will I give up for my Lord? True Circumcision Phil. 3:4-7