Renaissance Review
Chapter 17 Section 3: Luther Starts the Reformation
Movie Trailer: Martin Luther
Problems in the Church Leaders were Church men were Spending Church money Having children despite vows Church men were Poorly Educated Breaking their vows by Marrying Gambling Drinking in excess *Too concerned with worldly power and riches *Nobility in Germany and England disliked the Italian domination in the Roman Catholic Church
Luther Challenges the Church Martin Luther became a monk in 1505. Taught scripture at the University of Wittenburg, Saxony, Germany. In 1517 Luther takes a stand against a friar named Johann Tetzel, who was raising money for the church by selling indulgences.
*Martin Luther *“Christians should be taught that he who gives to a poor man lends to a needy man does better that if he used the money to buy an indulgence” *Indulgence - a pardon that releases a sinner from a penalty for committing sin. Luther taught and believed that the selling of indulgences were wrong. *This issue finally caused Martin Luther to revolt against the church Luther criticized the Roman Catholic Church for allowing the selling of indulgences.
The 95 Theses *The 95 Theses are 95 “formal statements” that criticized the Catholic Church. Luther was seeking a debate, but his Theses was hand-copied and sent to a printer for publishing. *Luther’s actions began the REFORMATION - a movement for religious reform. *The invention of the printing press aided Martin Luther in his struggles against the Catholic Church
95 Theses Rap
Luther’s Teaching *Luther believed that salvation could be achieved through faith alone. *All Church teachings should be based on the words of the BIBLE Pope and Church traditions were false authorities All people were equal under the faith, therefore no need for priests. *Luther suggested printing the Bible in the vernacular so everyone could read it and interpret it for themselves. *“The Pope is no judge of matters pertaining to God’s word and faith; the true Christian must examine and judge for himself” ~ Martin Luther
Renaissance Review
The Pope’s Threat In the beginning the Catholic Church viewed Luther as a rebellious monk. Threatened Luther with excommunication unless he recants his beliefs. Luther refused
The Emperor’s Opposition Charles V – Holy Roman Emperor Opposed Luther Put Luther on trial and told must recant. Luther refused! Edict of Worms Luther is declared an outlaw Luther is given shelter by a fellow nobleman and translates the Bible into German.
Result of Martin Luther’s Trial The priests who agreed with Luther and his ideas Dressed in ordinary clothes Called themselves ministers Led services in German – no longer in Latin. The followers of Martin Luther were called Lutherans. Lutheranism was the first Protestant faith.
Martin Luther Song
Germany at War over Religion Nobility supported Lutheranism Nobles saw this as an opportunity to seize Church lands and not pay tithes. Many nobles refused to sign an agreement that enforced the authority of the Church. To “protest” this agreement Protestant – Christians who were non-Catholic. *Important effect of the Protestant Reformation in Europe was it strengthened the power of the monarchies
England Becomes Protestant England’s monarch challenges the Church’s authority and in the end breaks ties with Rome.
Henry VIII Wants a Son Henry VIII feared England would go to war for lack of a son to inherit throne. Henry VIII married to Catherine of Aragon Daughter – Mary Henry VIII had affairs 2 sons out of wedlock
Reformation Parliament Henry VIII wanted a son and to have marriage annulled by Pope Clement VII Annul – to set aside (pretend marriage did not exist The Pope said NO 1529 Parliament ended Pope’s power in England – Took over the Churches *Act of Supremacy: Official Measure which names King the head of the Anglican Church Henry grants himself a divorce and marries – mistress Anne Boleyn later has her beheaded for failing to produce a son
Wives of Henry VIII Catherine of Aragon - Divorced Anne Boleyn - beheaded Jane Seymour – Died in Childbirth Anne of Cleves - Divorced Kathryn Howard - beheaded Katherine Parr – Last wife, Henry dies
Horrible History
Consequences of Henry’s Changes Dissolves Catholic Monasteries Seized Church lands Established the Church of England – The ANGLICAN CHURCH Henry becomes the Head of the Anglican Church England’s people must become Anglican
Elizabeth Restores Protestantism After death of siblings – brother Edward VI and sister Mary I – becomes Queen. Daughter of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII Raised Protestant Restores England to Protestant BUT allows the Catholic Church to influence the traditions of the Church of England Never married, “Virgin Queen” also known as “Good Queen Bess”
Threat to Elizabeth I’s Reign of England: The Spanish Armada Phillip II of Spain Phillip blamed Elizabeth supporting rebellious Protestant subjects in Spain. planned to attack England. Phillip sent his Navy – “Spanish Armada” 1588 – Storms “Protestant Wind” and small fast English ships destroys the Spanish Armada off the Southwest coast of England.
Quick Review Prior to the Protestant Reformation, the medieval church in Western Europe was being criticized for what? What was Martin Luther’s belief on salvation? What was the issue that finally caused Martin Luther to revolt against the Catholic Church? Which denomination of the Catholic Church did the German and English nobility dislike? Martin Luther believed that all church teaching should be based on what? What document did Martin Luther create that criticized the Catholic Church? What was an important effect of the Protestant Reformation was it strengthened whose power? What change to the Bible did Martin Luther suggest so everyone could read it?
What invention aided Martin Luther in his struggles against the Catholic Church? What did the Act of Supremacy do for Henry VIII? What is the name for a pardon that releases a sinner from a penalty for committing a sin?