Africa’s Triangle of Misery, Part 2 & Africa’s Economies


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Presentation transcript:

Africa’s Triangle of Misery, Part 2 & Africa’s Economies E.Q.’s & Warm-ups Africa’s Triangle of Misery, Part 2 & Africa’s Economies

Weekly Writing Prompt #6 Climate Change Last Friday (March 15th) students worldwide demonstrated in support of governments taking actions in support of climate change. Students representing over 100 countries participated in approximately 1,700 cities. Write minimum one-page paper describing the following. Describe in your own words, “What is Climate Change?” Why is Climate Change Important? What is your position? What actions do you think our government should take? Develop a slogan for a poster

FIRST FIVE Agenda Message: Websites on Climate Change: Climate Change & Global Warming for Children & What is “Global Climate Change?” (NASA Climate Kids). Standard: Describe the impacts of government stability on the distribution of resources to combat AIDS and famine across Africa. Essential Question for Monday March 25th: African nations that suffer from poor healthcare system lack what three healthcare resources? Warm-Up: What is the definition for famine? Today We Will: Complete the Triangle of Misery

ANSWERS Essential Question Answer for March 25th: There are too few Doctors, Not enough hospitals, and Insufficient supplies Warm-Up: Insufficient food to eat over widespread area or region

FIRST FIVE Agenda Message: 14 Instructional Days to the start of GMAS. Open book Pop-Quiz on Triangle of Misery Wednesday. Standard: Describe the impacts of government stability on the distribution of resources to combat AIDS and famine across Africa. Essential Question for Tuesday March 26th: How was the Ebola Epidemic able to spread through out West Africa? Warm-Up: What percent of AIDS patients in the world are in Africa? Today We Will: Complete the Triangle of Misery Prep for Pop-Quiz Wednesday

ANSWERS Essential Question Answer for March 26th: Governments of West Africa were initially slow to react to the outbreak of the virus. Warm-Up: 70% of the world’s AIDS patients are in Africa.

FIRST FIVE Agenda Message: Climate Change website: National Geographic Kids, “What is Climate Change”. Open book Pop-Quiz on Triangle of Misery. Standard: Describe the impacts of government stability on the distribution of resources to combat AIDS and famine across Africa. Essential Question for Wednesday March 27th: What keeps African nations from improving their citizens quality of life? Warm-Up: What is the main cause of government instability in Africa? Today We Will: Complete the “Triangle of Misery” Open Book Pop-Quiz on “Triangle of Misery”

ANSWERS Essential Question Answer for March 27th: One major issue is government instability. When a government is unstable, it does little to meet the needs of its people. Warm-Up: Civil War is a major cause of government instability in Africa. In the past 50 years, almost 37% of African nations have experienced a period of civil war.

FIRST FIVE Agenda Message: Climate Change website: “What Can Teenagers do to fight Climate Change”. Open Book Pop-Quiz today. Standard: Describe the impacts of government stability on the distribution of resources to combat AIDS and famine across Africa. Essential Question for Thursday March 28th: Which country represents Africa’s largest economy? Warm-Up: Almost all countries in the world have what type of economy? Today We Will: Complete the “Triangle of Misery” Open Book Pop-Quiz on “Triangle of Misery” (3rd, 5th, & 6th Periods).

ANSWERS Essential Question Answer for March 28th: Nigeria has Africa’s largest economy with a GDP of over $415 billion per year and a growth rate of 3% annually. Warm-Up: Mixed-market economy

FIRST FIVE Agenda Message: Writing Prompt #6 on Climate Change is due Monday, April 1st. Standard: Compare & contrast the economic systems of Nigeria, Kenya, & South Africa. Essential Question for Friday March 29th: How has the ending of the Apartheid System in South Africa affected its economy? Warm-Up: What are Nigeria’s two most important industries? Today We Will: Comparative Economies of Africa (Nigeria, Kenya, & South Africa

ANSWERS Essential Question Answer for March 29th: After apartheid ended in 1990, black South Africans were granted many rights, including the right to own businesses. This freedom has created more competition and a stronger market economy in South Africa. Warm-Up: Nigeria’s economic base is Oil and agriculture.

Group Assignments Economies of Africa Nigeria Kenya South Africa Economy Summary; Natural Resources, Types of Businesses % Free Market versus % Command What does government control? What do citizens and businesses control? GDP Fascinating Facts