The Republic Conquers the Mediterranean One City nearly conquers all The Gap between the rich and the Poor allows Generals to Take Power
Rome Conquers Italy In a series of “Defensive” Wars the Romans Conquer Italy First the Etruscans, then the Samites, then the Greek Colonies of the South. Each is Absorbed into the Roman system. The Romans don’t consider themselves as trying to build an Empire. Every war is justified as necessary to protect Rome.
The Punic Wars The city of Carthage in modern Tunisia was also building an empire, The two empires collide. 264-241 BC First Punic War Ended inconclusively 218-201 BC Second Punic War After a long and terrible war Rome wins Rome takes over the Carthaginian Empire, Leaving Carthage just a city
146 BC Third Punic War In order to help his party gain power Cato the Elder convinces the Senate that Carthage is still a threat, which it isn’t. Each Speech ends with “Carthago Delenda est” “Carthage must be Destroyed. And that’s exactly what they do.
The Mediterranean, a Roman Lake Meanwhile the Empire expands in the East 222 BC Celts defeated, Po River Valley taken. 197 BC Macedon Defeated 189 BC Seleucid Empire Defeated 146 BC Corinth Defeated, Greece taken Rome is supreme in the Mediterranean!
Bread and Circuses Rome’s Conquests brought wealth and slaves to Rome Slave labor replaced Paid Labor Many lost their jobs, and became poor and unemployed The Gap between Rich and Poor Grew Rome lost its large Middle Class Victorious Generals are able to use the wealth from their conquests to “buy” the vote, and thus power by throwing big sporting events where they give away food and money… ”Bread and Circuses”