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Presentation transcript:

To download a copy of today’s lesson go to TheGoodTeacher To download a copy of today’s lesson go to and click on “Special Studies” 1

Kings in Contrast Uzziah and Josiah Pride vs. Humility

Pride vs. Humility How do we react when we are told we have not followed God’s word? How do we react when we are told we have sinned? How do we react when we are told we can improve and do better?

Pride vs. Humility Uzziah Josiah Beginning: Good Middle: Pride End: Died a leper Beginning: Good Middle: Humility End: Died lamented by all

King Uzziah: 2 Chronicles 26 His story is told in 2 Kings 15 and 2 Chronicles 26 (791 B.C. = 52) He was obedient and prosperous when he was young (26:1-5) He was successful in war, building, farming, and defense (26:6-15)

King Uzziah: 2 Chronicles 26 He grew strong, then proud (26:16) – his heart was “lifted up” The people were warned (Deut. 8:14) The king was warned (Deut. 17:20) Note: used 1x in the OT in a good sense (2 Chron. 17:6)

King Uzziah: 2 Chronicles 26 He grew strong, then proud (26:16) – his heart was “lifted up” It is possible to humble yourself after being proud (2 Chron. 12:1-12)

King Uzziah: 2 Chronicles 26 He grew strong, then proud (26:16) – his heart was “lifted up” Like Hezekiah (2 K. 32:25-26) Like the King of Tyre (Ezek. 28:2, 5, 17) Like Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 5:20, 22)

King Uzziah: 2 Chronicles 26 His pride caused him to sin (26:16-18) His pride caused him to get angry (26:19) His pride got him punished with leprosy (26:19-20) He died a leper (26:21-23)

King Uzziah: Pride Pride will keep us from saying, “I have sinned” Pride will keep us from saying, “I was wrong, I made a mistake, I’m sorry” Pride will keep us from saying, “I can do better, I need to change and improve”

King Josiah: 2 Chronicles 34 His story is told in 2 Kings 22 and 2 Chronicles 34 (641 B.C. = 31) He was obedient and prosperous when he was young (34:1-7) He repaired the temple (34:8-13) He humbled himself when he heard the lost law read (34:14-21)

King Josiah: 2 Chronicles 34 His humility caused him to make personal application (34:21) His humility caused him to inquire about the meaning of the law (34:21-28) His humility caused him to read the law himself and make a covenant to follow it (34:29-33)

King Josiah: 2 Chronicles 34 His humility caused him to keep the Passover and make important reforms: idolatry, sodomy, child sacrifice, and sorcery (35:1-19) He died, was lamented and remembered for his good deeds (35:20-27)

King Josiah: Humility Humility will cause us to say, “I have sinned, please forgive me” Humility will cause us to say, “I was wrong, I’m sorry, I apologize” Humility will cause us to say, “I can do better and I will change today”

Pride vs. Humility Uzziah Josiah Beginning: Good Middle: Pride End: Died a leper Beginning: Good Middle: Humility End: Died lamented by all

Pride vs. Humility There is shame with the proud, but wisdom and honor with the lowly (Prov. 11:2; 18:12; 29:23) God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble (Jas. 4:6, 10; 1 Pet. 5:5, 6) How we react to God determines how God will react to us (Isa. 57:15)