Preview What you will learn The difference between elementary school and middle school: THE BASICS How to succeed in middle school How to make new friends Where to go for help
THE BASICS School hours: 7:35am-2:26pm (M,T,Th,F) Short Day Wed. 7:35am-12:00 pm Supervision on campus beginning at 7:00am 10/10 No Fly Zone Library and office open until 3:30 pm 6th grade lunch combo options 6 classes including an elective Daily PE with uniforms and lockers Many co-curricular opportunities Everyone is new!
How to Succeed in Middle School: Academics and Attendance STUDENT AWARDS FOR GRADES AND ATTENDANCE Academics Homework is expected to be completed. There is a strong correlation between student success in class and their completion of classwork and homework. Attend tutoring. Attendance Better grades, participate in school activities, more likely to promote and graduate
Education is a gift In America we have the gift of education given to us. Around the world there are many places where education is not provided. Do not take this gift for granted.
How to Succeed in Middle School: Behavior RESPECT your teachers, school staff and your peers If your are DISRESPECTFUL you may get: Detention ISS A referral to counseling Discipline Referral and parent contact/meeting
Connectedness Join a club Show your pride Be involved in extracurricular activities such as: sports, dances, social events Harvest Fest Turkey Bowl Student of the Month Trimester Rewards School dances PLUS YOU MUST BE PASSING YOUR CLASSES, HAVE GOOD ATTENDANCE AND BEHAVIOR TO PARTICIPATE IN MANY EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES
How to Succeed in Middle School If you have referrals, tardies and/or failing a class, you must do the following: Attend tutoring regularly after school, before school or during lunch Attend Saturday School Complete Community Service If you are in ASES, attend tutoring Be organized and seek help! Check StudentVue
How to make new friends Middle School is full of all different kinds of people You get to choose who your friends are Will you choose those who will hold you back Will you choose those who will help you move forward
How to make new friends You may find “friends” who talk unkindly about others, make fun of others to make themselves look and feel better, and who make fun of you for being yourself You may find friends who share your interests, encourage you, and respect the unique person you are Who do you want to be friends with? Which “friendships” are true and will last?
Bullying Many students fear being bullied What can you do beginning NOW? Do not spread rumors Refuse to join when someone is being bullied Speak up when you witness bullying Be kind to the person being bullied Report to an adult or report on Sprigeo
Where to go for Help Counselors What do counselors provide? Mr. Ochoa ( 6th grade & 7th grade last names A-L) Mrs. Guerrero (8th grade and 7th grade last names M-Z) What do counselors provide? Academic Support Personal/Social support and guidance Career and College Counseling
Counseling Confidentiality!
So how do I see my Counselor Counseling So how do I see my Counselor
Counseling School counselors provide a safe environment to ALL students to allow them to reach their full potential (personally & academically) Seeing your counselor should never be a negative experience. We do not deal with discipline issues We listen We want to see you succeed
Who else can help Your teachers Front office staff (studentVue) School Nurse School Security ISS teacher (community service) Administration (2 Assistant Principals and 1 Principal) PLUS students and peer mediators Sprigeo