Would you like to serve on a committee. The PTA needs your support Would you like to serve on a committee? The PTA needs your support! Fill out the Committee sign-up form below, return to Main Office in an envelope marked PTA. Standing Committee sign-up Standing committees may cast one vote during our monthly PTA Executive Board meetings for any PTA decision that comes up for a vote. ____ Board of Education Representative This committee keeps abreast of events that impact our schools. The representative attends all Board of Education meetings and reports all information to the PTA Executive Board. ____ Fundraising and Special Events The fundraising committee's main responsibility is the generation of the necessary funds to provide PTA-sponsored programs. ____ Hospitality This committee provides and sets up breakfast/refreshments at staff appreciation day and other events. ____ Membership This committee is responsible for membership sign-up and maintaining membership records. ____ PTA Council Delegate The council delegate attends all PTA Council meetings. Responsibilities include relaying information about all Council programs and activities to the PTA Executive Board, as well as bringing any concerns that the PTA might have to the Council. ____ Web Page Design Non-Standing Committee sign-up Non-standing committees do not have a vote. ____ Liaison for the Hispanic Community ____ Orientation/Welcome Committee Spring Committees ____ Audit committee ____ By-Laws and Procedures (every 3 years) ____ Nominating ____ Jenkins Would you like to serve on a committee? The PTA needs your support! Fill out the Committee sign-up form below, return to Main Office in an envelope marked PTA. Standing Committee sign-up Standing committees may cast one vote during our monthly PTA Executive Board meetings for any PTA decision that comes up for a vote. ____ Board of Education Representative This committee keeps abreast of events that impact our schools. The representative attends all Board of Education meetings and reports all information to the PTA Executive Board. ____ Fundraising and Special Events The fundraising committee's main responsibility is the generation of the necessary funds to provide PTA-sponsored programs. ____ Hospitality This committee provides and sets up breakfast/refreshments at staff appreciation day and other events. ____ Membership This committee is responsible for membership sign-up and maintaining membership records. ____ PTA Council Delegate The council delegate attends all PTA Council meetings. Responsibilities include relaying information about all Council programs and activities to the PTA Executive Board, as well as bringing any concerns that the PTA might have to the Council. ____ Web Page Design Non-Standing Committee sign-up Non-standing committees do not have a vote. ____ Liaison for the Hispanic Community ____ Orientation/Welcome Committee Spring Committees ____ Audit committee ____ By-Laws and Procedures (every 3 years) ____ Nominating ____ Jenkins