Self-Incompatible Pollen Tubes Exhibit Increased PA Accumulation. Self-Incompatible Pollen Tubes Exhibit Increased PA Accumulation. (A) Incompatible PbrS-RNase increases PA levels in pear pollen. Lane 1, control in the absence of PbrS-RNase. Lanes 2 to 5 show the results after 5, 10, 30, and 60 min of treatment with 0.15 units of compatible PbrS-RNase. Lanes 6 to 9 show the results after 5, 10, 30, and 60 min of treatment with 0.15 units of incompatible PbrS-RNase. SC, compatible PbrS-RNase treatment; SI, incompatible PbrS-RNase treatment. (B) Quantification statistics of the PA levels from (A). PA levels are expressed as fold increases compared with control samples. PA levels significantly increased after 5 min of SI treatment. Different letters indicate significant differences, as determined by ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test (P < 0.05; n = 3); error bars indicate se. (C) Thin-layer chromatography images of time-dependent increases in PA and PBut levels after incompatible PbrS-RNase treatment. SL, structural phospholipids. (D) Quantification statistics for the time course of increases in PBut and PA levels. PA and PBut levels are expressed as fold increases compared with control samples. Both PA and PBut levels in pollen tubes increased with similar kinetics under incompatible PbrS-RNase treatment. All data are the means of three independent experiments. Error bars indicate se. Jianqing Chen et al. Plant Cell 2018;30:1023-1039 ©2018 by American Society of Plant Biologists