Who Am I? I will: Identify my characteristics. Understand that everybody has different characteristics. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of individuality.
Individuals Citizenship is about the way that people act together when they form groups. All groups are made up of individuals. The school community is made up of lots of individuals. No two individuals are exactly alike. We are each a unique blend of characteristics.
Characteristics Physical appearance Voice and accent Fashion choice Personality Gender Faith groups Place of birth. There are many more characteristics than this. Copy the list and add at least 3 more ideas.
Characteristic Description Given/ choice Gender Height Hair colour Eye colour Ethnic origin Religion Place of birth Favourite colour Favourite food Favourite activity Complete the table.
Are You Unique? Can you find anyone with the same answers as you? Who has the most similar answers to you? Remember: the person you share the most characteristics with does not have to be the same sex or ethnicity as you!
It is how we react to our differences that important. We are all different. It is how we react to our differences that important.
Identity Flag You are going to be creating your own identity flag. Your flag should reveal the characteristics that make you an individual. We should be able to learn a lot about you just from looking at your flag.
Identity Hat You are going to be creating your own identity hat. Your hat should reveal the characteristics that make you an individual. We should be able to learn a lot about you just from looking at your hat.
Miss Brown’s Identity Flag Vegetarian Animals Spending money Drawing and making things Sunshine Make - up Meeting people Spending time at home with family Reading Spending time with my nephews Travelling Relaxing and watching TV Parties
What Does it Say About You?