Ukrainian Cluster in Health and Wellness sector


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Presentation transcript:

Ukrainian Cluster in Health and Wellness sector +380 44 467 77 87 +380 31 266 40 15 Association 'Health and Wealth' Frunze st., 160, Kyiv, 04073, Ukraine ​

Ukrainian Association ‘Health and Wealth’ is a cross-regional cluster that gather together prominent researchers, scientists, entrepreneurs, supported by local authorities with ultimately goal of development and implementing innovation solutions for health and wealth society. ​

Mission Contribute, promote and implement the best European practices and innovations into human current life of East Europe and Ukraine in the nearest future, namely for growing level of society well-being based on our priorities and value chain. ​

Personalised health nutrition Value Chain Omics approach Omics analysis Concept of the functionality of food components Personalised health nutrition Bioinformatic methodologies Advanced IT solutions ​

Value Chain: Research part - Microbiome (farm animals, plants and soils); - Immunohistochemistry; - Omics disciplines (metabolomics, nutriomics and proteomics); - Epigenetics and more. ​

Value Chain: Research & Analysis (members) ​

Value Chain: Research & Analysis (partners)

Value Chain: Novel pharmabiotics (current state) - OBESITY / DIABETES TYPE 2/ CVD: clinical trial = Personalised Nutrition + “Ediens” Brand (registered, partially patented and partially implemented); - CARIES / ENTEROCOLITIS = “ProPhyLactOR” – Brand (registered, patented); - Vagina microbiome corrections : “DiLactiVAG” – in progress, patented, but nosologies under further specification; - Youth depression: Study is not completed: clinical trial is running; - ALLERGY (ATOPIC DERMATITIS / FOOD ALLERGY): Study is not completed: clinical trial is foreseen for this and next year.

Value Chain: Novel pharmabiotics (strategic direction) To extend development and usage of contemporary and alternative medicine presented by novel pharmabiotics (immunobiotics) which individual based and nosology specific.

Value Chain: Novel pharmabiotics (members for development and commercialization + researches)

Value Chain: Digital solutions for health system Big data Machine learning Apps development Artificial intelligence Soft- and hardware

Value Chain: Digital solutions for health system (current state) Beta-version of the personalised nutrition algorithm (PNA) for calculation of food/diet requirements based on specific “individual profiles”. Efficacy and accuracy of PNA had been proved recently for diabetes type 2 patients and obese children

Value Chain: Digital solutions for health system (current state)

Value Chain: Digital solutions for health system (current state) Projects preparation: SC1-DTH-01-2019: Big data and Artificial Intelligence for monitoring health status and quality of life after the cancer treatment; SC1-BHC-13-2019: Mining big data for early detection of infectious disease threats driven by climate change and other factors;

Value Chain: Digital solutions for health system Coordinator of IT members. Responsible for engagement new specialist (national and foreign) Extensive expertise in developing, designing, building and operating engineering systems

Value Chain: Digital solutions for health system (challenge to be taken) Supporting SMEs in the regional level to be created/updated skills for applying machine learning approach for managing big data

Value Chain: P4 medicine applied P4 medicine - predictive, preventive, personalized and patient-oriented P4 based on: Specificity and Methodology Exact estimation of health condition of patient: precise diagnostic Visualisation of diseases Individual profiles (genome + microbiome, metabolome, proteome) Systemic approaches P4 Tools Patients blood data bases Biomarkers

Value Chain: P4 medicine applied Medication, nutrition and/or pharmabiotics need to be prescribed based on their expected efficacy for certain patient and for specific nosology Patient stratification IT instruments can be only the way for evidence based stratification and personalized treatment

Value Chain: P4 medicine applied (we offer) 1. Rational standardised patient-centred earlier biomarkers based diagnostic. 2. Demo version software (algorithm) for the calculation of specific to nosology personal nutrition needs for prevention and treatment of NCD by patient-centred diets / pharmabiotics. 3. Branded personalised pharmabiotics for oral “ProPhyLactOr” and vagina “DiLactiVAG” health. 4. Designed personalised foods. 5. Personalised pharmabiotics for alternative and effective treatment of infectious diseases.

Value Chain: P4 medicine applied (functional food)

Value Chain: P4 medicine applied (functional food) Temo-Group LLC Mantistis-Fresh LLC

Value Chain: P4 medicine applied (international collaboration and support)

Supporting SMEs growths Company for business coaching and consulting.

National and local authorities are support us Demonstrated through intent and support action (LoI from Ministry of Health, regional branches for projects, particularly for aforementioned Horizon 2020) Members of the Association are presented in the working groups in the Regional State Administration in Transcarpathia for implementation RIS3 (Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation)

Thank you for your attention Further details: Oksana Bykova, cluster manager, Nadiya Boyko, scientific director Tayisiya Symochko, international business manager Iryna Myroniuk, project manager