Aim: How can we evaluate our own success on the research paper? Friday, May 31st, 2019 Common Core Standards: RI.11-12.7, W.11-12.8 and SL.11-12.1 Aim: How can we evaluate our own success on the research paper? Do Now: Answer one of the following questions. 1.) How can you summarize your research paper in 20 words or less? 2.) How would you evaluate your own research paper? Consider a teacher’s perspective. Objective: Students will be able to evaluate their own success on the research paper.
Aim: How can we evaluate our own success on the research paper? Common Core Standards: RI.11-12.7, W.11-12.8 and SL.11-12.1 Friday, May 31st, 2019 Aim: How can we evaluate our own success on the research paper? Objective:: Students will be able to evaluate their own success on the research paper. Agenda A.) Do Now: Answer one of the questions. B.) Discuss/Share: Turn and talk with your table mates. Share with your table captains. Captains will share with the class. C.) Work Period: Using the outline and rubric, conduct your own self-assessment of your research paper. How would you grade yourself in each component of the grading rubric? Work on owed homework and the final assignment (the Fences essay rewrite). D.) Reflections: What grade do you deserve on your research paper? Were you able to complete your research paper last night? Why are why not?
Comprehension Check: How well you understand the tasks today: How to utilize the research paper outline and rubric to ensure a successful research paper SELF-ASSESS: How easy/ difficult was that task?