MET matters in a Single European Sky OGC TC / MET DWG Boston 2009 Dennis Hart Aviation Meteorology Expert CND / Centre of Expertise Information Management EUROCONTROL
The Ambition 20 Million in 2030 Flights Long-Term Trend Average Growth Flights in Europe (Millions) 10 8 6 4 2 5% 0% -5% Annual Growth 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Long-Term Trend Flights Average Growth 2
The Ambition Enabling handling 3 times the traffic Improving safety by a factor of 10 Reducing by 10% the environmental impact per flight Cutting Air Traffic Management ( ATM) costs by 50% 3
A Challenge; Fragmentation The 100 main airports are: - connected by approx. 600 airspace segments - controlled by 66 Air Traffic Control Centre’s with many systems - operated by 38 Air Traffic Service Providers with different cultures Sectors and routes are designed according to national borders rather than traffic flows Air Traffic Control Centre's below optimal economic size, duplication of systems & piecemeal procurement, high contingency costs, support costs on research, training & admin too high 4
A Challenge; MET Today 5
The Money Today; MET Performance Review Report 2008 (EU footprint): - 3.6 b€ loss in ATFM delays and route extensions - 25% of these ATFM delays are attributed to WX
The Money Today; MET Non-avoidable 225 m€ WX 900 m€ 2700 m€
SES 2 (adopted March 2009) focus on: - PERFORMANCE - SAFETY - CAPACITY The Approach; SES Establishing a single aviation market Adopting common rules in most relevant areas of the air transport system Enhancing competition and efficiency throughout the whole value chain of aviation Developing an external dimension of the EU single aviation market Started in 2004 by laying down the foundations for: Legal and institutional framework Separation of service provision from regulation Transparency of charges Harmonisation in licensing of controllers Advancing the efficient use of airspace Moving towards interoperable equipment SES 2 (adopted March 2009) focus on: - PERFORMANCE - SAFETY - CAPACITY - TECHNOLOGY = SESAR 8
The Approach; SESAR 2015-2025 2008-2014 2006-2008 Definition phase Development phase Deployment phase Resulted in the European ATM Master Plan Managed by the SESAR Joint Undertaking Implements the results of the development phase, delivers the service performance increase foreseen in the ATM Master Plan Based on the Master Plan, results in Standards, new operational procedures, new technologies and pre-industrial components, 2015-2025 2008-2014 2006-2008
Foreseen ATM Concept of Operations Civ/Mil ATM Performance Partnership Integration of Air- and Ground-systems Integration of Airport ”turn-around” operations Time and performance based operations / 4 D B/M Trajectories The ATM intranet – SWIM Rolling Network Operations Plan Automation support to the Human Efficient separation modes
ATM Data Domains share data into SWIM Transition to SWIM Flight Weather Surveillance AIM SWIM Data Pool Airport Environment Flow Management Capacity Demand ATM Data Domains share data into SWIM
Connecting information users and providers Transition to SWIM SWIM Data Pool Airlines Aircraft Industry ATC Airport Other ? Exchange Information Use Information Provide Information Flight Surveillance Airport Environment Capacity AIM Flow Weather Connecting information users and providers Towards seamless information sharing
Interoperable Information Exchange Models AIXM ICAO Anx 15 Aeronautical Information AMXM EuroCae ED99A/119 Airport Mapping WXXM ICAO Anx 3, WMO 306 Weather Information Development & Implementation Maturity ANXM ICAO Anx 14 (Vol1) Doc 4444 EuroCae ED145 Airport Operations Information
Design principle; separation of concerns Annex 3 Non-ICAO Future Products & Services Observations Forecasts Features OGC O&M Phenomena Domain Domain Measures Data Types Domain Geometry Core Measures Units ISO Geometry ISO Data Types Base 14 14 14
Weather Information Exchange ISO/OGC Eurocontrol Users WXCMWXXM WMO FAA NWS, NOAA, DoD ICAO
Model development status WXCM WXXM 1.0.1 WXXS Rational Rose UML GML 3.2 AIXM scripts WXCM WXXM 1.1 WXXS HollowWorld UML GML 3.2 FullMoon scripts WXCM WXXM 2 WXXS Available Summer 2009 Q4 2009 ?
Next steps; Proofing the Concept Aeronautical Information Thread OWS-6 Live trials in Sweden (D-AIM Project) MET Data Fusion Demonstrator
MET Data Fusion Demonstrator
MET Data Fusion Demonstrator Data Ingest Alphanumeric Gridded Vector Graphics Data Conversion WXXM compliant format OGC Web Services WFS WMS (WCS) MET Data Fusion Demonstrator Data Ingest TAF SIGMET Volcanic Ash Advisory Upper Wind Upper Temperature Turbulence Icing Convective Activity WX Radar Graphics Etc
MET Data Fusion Demonstrator GeoServer Web Server Data Ingest Conversion MySQL Data Store OGC client WFS WMS (WCS)
Scenario Stockholm 4D Trajectory Clermont-Ferrand
Data Fusion ESSA AMDB* Weather Obstacles Airspace Restrictions Terrain LFLC AMDB Closed Taxiways Taxiway Routings (mash-up) *AMDB = Airport Map Data Base
Scenario Setup Catalogue Service Service Bus <KMLt> Information Applications Information Service Service Bus <KMLt> Application Service Information Service Information Service
Turbulence AMDB Airspace Trajectory
Terrain Obstacle Routing Closed Taxiway Routing will be provided by D-Taxi which is under standardisation now.